Is Jesus in Your Boat?

“He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore.” Luke 5:2-3.

When Jesus approached the lake of Gennesaret, he saw two boats by the lake with no fisherman for they were out of their boats washing their nets. One of the fisherman, Simon, was visibly frustrated and mumbling under his breath. His head was hanging low and he felt defeated as a night of fishing had yielded nothing.

Simon’s boat was empty and unprosperous, yet it was the boat that Jesus chose to sit in. Jesus did not ask to sit in the most successful boat or in the boat that had caught the most fish. No, Jesus wanted to sit in what was NOT working. Jesus knew what was going to happen in that but, but he wanted to see if Simon would trust him in lack before he blessed him with plenty.

It is the same for us, my sweet sisters. You need to know that God is willing to sit in your dysfunction. He is ready to meet you when things are not going well and when life is not going the way you thought it would. He wants to just sit with in the boat and wait with you until it is time for the miracle to happen.

Trusting God in the waiting is what leads him to take you out into the deep. In the deep, he can show you why things aren’t working. In the deep, he can tell you to cast your net on the other side this time. In the deep, he can prosper you because you were willing to trust him on the shore.

Mamas, we all want the miracle. We all want our nets to be overflowing. But go back to the beginning of the story, that is where the real lesson is found. The miracle of the fish is not what deepens our faith. It is when we allow Jesus to come and sit with us right where we are that accelerates us to the next level.

I know for some of you your nets are empty. But don’t hang your head and be discouraged. God is calling you today to look up and see that if you are willing to trust him, your boat won’t be able to contain the blessing that is waiting for you on the other side of your obedience.


Susie and the Help Club for Moms Team

If you would like more information about Susie’s ministry, Between the Gardens, visit her website at


Susie O'Neal
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One Comment on “Is Jesus in Your Boat?”

  1. Yes, yes, and yes to every word!! I just finished praying with and for a sweet mama that’s going through this right now. She’s homeschooling 2 of her boys that struggle with autism, and said she felt like she’s come to the end of her rope today. I was able to greatly encourage her and then we prayed together. And when she said she felt such shame for even feeling this way, I was able to encourage her that there’s no shame to those who are in Christ Jesus. We all have struggles, but Jesus is a God of miracles and he CHOOSES to be in OUR BOAT with us!! No sinking and NO SHAME going on in this boat, just lots of glorious and delicious fish!

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