“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”~Colossians 3:23 NLT
Each of us is here for a reason and has the capacity to serve. We have opportunities every day to make an impact on people and our world. Usually, it’s the little things that make the most significant difference. Little bits of kindness add up to a whole bunch of goodness.
Levi Lusko said, “God loves the people in your life SO much that He put YOU in their lives. He gave you a means to communicate so that when they encounter YOU, they will be better off.
By doing little things, we can make a big difference.
Here are 17 fun and easy ways to make the world brighter. Perhaps you can add one of these to your calendar or set a reminder on your phone to do one small act of kindness this week.
- Smile and brighten someone’s day.
Imagine the impact of your smile and a friendly hello to everyone you encounter today!
Did you know that smiling not only cheers others but also cheers yourself? When you smile, your body responds appropriately.
2. Leave a dollar bill at a Dollar Store.
Oh, the happiness that fills a child who has a dollar to spend at the Dollar Store! Leave the gift to be found or hide out and wait for someone to find the dollar you left behind.
3. Pray for a foster child by name.
Here’s a list of foster children in my state. Google to find the list of where you live. https://www.mnadopt.org/waiting-kids/results/?action=results
Pray that God’s love would permeate every part of their lives. Pray that they would have positive influences. Pray for their foster parents and teachers to have patience, wisdom, and unconditional love. Pray that they would find a permanent home and family.
4. Drop a penny into the McDonald’s Ronald Mcdonald donation box (idea from “A cup of water in His name”).
If every customer in the US donates ONE PENNY every time, they visit McDonald’s, more than 62 Million dollars would be collected to support children and families.
5. Provide a meal or groceries for a single mom or family in need.
When I was young, there was a season when my mom tried to provide for five young girls as a single mom. I remember what a delight it was when someone left a bag of groceries for us. Many single parents are living on slim budgets, and every bit helps.
6. Pick up trash.
What’s the #1 thing our kids say when we ask them to pick something up around the house? “I didn’t do it” – or – “It’s not mine!”
Guess what? We, as adults, do the SAME THING when we walk by a piece of trash on the ground and ignore it. Imagine if each of us picked up our stuff and random bits of debris we see along sidewalks or in parks. Our homes and communities would be so much cleaner.
7. Send a text.
Who can you text right now to say: “I love you,” or “How can I pray for you?” or “I’m grateful for you.”
8. Pray for an opportunity to help ONE person today.
Every person is fighting a battle. Someone may need a hug. Another person might require you to ask them how they are REALLY doing. Someone else will need prayer. Create a margin in your day to be able to help someone.
“God wants to equip us with a vision that sees higher, deeper, and broader than physical realities.” Beth Moore
9. Keep a $5 gift card in your car to give to someone, and keep packaged snacks or an extra sandwich to share.
10. Invite people to church. 9 out of 10 unchurched people say they would attend if someone invited them.
My friend invites the teenagers to her house for pizza every Wednesday, then takes as many kids as she can fit in her van to church with her.
11. Invite someone who may be alone for the holidays into your home.
A friend told me she invited a recently widowed father and his children over for Valentine’s meal with her family. When we moved to a new state, we had new friends invite us for the holidays, which meant so much to us.
12. Visit a nursing home.
Have your kids draw & color pictures, sing a song, play an instrument, or sit and chat with residents who long for guests. Sometimes they want a hug.
13. Provide respite care for foster families or weary parents that need a date night out.
Volunteer to watch the children so they can have a break or occasional help when needed.
14. Donate diapers to a pregnancy clinic or consider giving a monetary donation so pregnant moms can see their unborn babies on a sonogram.
15. Invite another mom over for coffee and a play date. Listen to her and pray with her before she leaves.
16. Invite neighbors to the park for an ice cream party to build community and positive relationships.
17. Play with your children or grandchildren.
For parents – take just 5 minutes to PLAY with your kids! The benefits of PLAY are endless – two benefits include improved behavior and learning. Play Tag, a board or card game, chase, throw a ball…anything! Play creates incredible bonds between you and your kids. Click here to read about more benefits.
For grandparents – There are ENDLESS benefits to the child/grandchild relationship – reduced depression and improved immune system are just a couple. Click here to read an awesome article about the benefits of being a grandparent.
Mama, ask God what He wants YOU to do to serve your family and your community. By helping others, you set an excellent example for your children, make the world a better place, and ultimately, help yourself.
Simon Sinek said it best:
“There is an entire section in the bookshop called “self-help.” What we really need is a section called “help others.”
💞 Kathryn Egly & The Help Club for Moms Team
For more ideas and inspiration, read the book “A cup of water in His name” by Lorie Newman: https://amzn.to/3WvLgKH.
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2 Comments on “Little Ways to Make a Big Difference”
Thank you for your kind words Edie!
Thank you so much for this article. I stumbled across your site looking for devotional material for a baby shower. So good. So biblical. So encouraging. May God bless YOUR day as you love your children and those around you!