Mom Tips: Love Your Husband Challenge Week Two

“Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:7 (NLT)

The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit

  • Spend extra time this week praying for a specific trial or issue in your family. Pray for the Holy Spirit to intervene with guidance.
  • Do a 24-hour social media “fast” this week. Put away your smartphone and unplug from all the distractions. Use the time to pray, meditate, or spend time with your family. Consider making a commitment to spend less time on your phone in the future.

The Wise Woman Loves Her Husband

  • Eat dinner together as a family at least 3 times this week. Sit down and enjoy your family. Have each person share their “highs and lows” from the day.
  • Do something for your husband this week in his love language to show him that you love him. If you want to know what your husband’s (and your) love language is, complete the assessment online at

The Wise Woman Loves Her Children

  • Serve your community. On a nice day, grab a trash bag and some gloves. Take your kids to clean up trash around your neighborhood or park.
  • Place a note in your kids’ lunch box telling them how much you love them and how special they are. If you homeschool, place a note under their lunch plate. Pinterest has many cute, free printables to keep this entertaining and special.

The Wise Woman Cares For Her Home

  • Make an extra batch of cookies or zucchini bread to cheer up a friend who has had a bad day or to share with a neighbor or mom friend who might need a visit from a friendly face. You never know when you might be the only person someone has talked to that day.
  • Do you have unworn clothes taking up room in your closets? Clothes that you look at and say, “I’ll wear that someday” or “In 10 pounds that will fit.” Grab a box or bag and get those clothes out of your home. Reduce your clutter and only keep the items in your closet that you use and wear. It will reduce the stress and anxiety you feel when getting ready in the morning, and it will bless someone else who will wear it now.
Leslie Leonard
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