“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10
As the air changes and we feel that pull to bring out our decorations from the attic, we often feel a gentle seasonal shift. It feels like a beckoning to embrace the holidays, and begin the anticipation and planning for all the special little moments that will happen along the way. This is both exciting and exhausting to think about depending on where the last season has left you.
Today, I want to speak to the weary, tired mom- because I find myself in that place as well. I’m feeling a bit burnt at all ends entering into the busiest time of year. Which in my mind is very problematic! How can one feel like not doing anything, when nothing has even happened yet? Oh my. My husband feels it, too. The other day, he saw a list I had, and one line by a check-box said, “Decorate for Fall”. He looked at it and asked me if maybe we could not do that this year. Haha! Most years I would have been aghast to think of not decorating, but without hesitation, I said “Yeah, I think I agree- I don’t really want to.” And that was that. And let me say, it was so freeing! My kids haven’t asked about it, and I didn’t miss the trip to the attic. Not one bit. The best part is, everyone is surviving despite me not doing it!
Here is my encouragement for you in this season, broken down in bits. If you feel a tug to do less- live into that! The simplicity of it all may even bless your family- they could be feeling the same way. Or maybe it’s a scaling back of all the busyness and fluff that adds to the stress of the next few months. For me this year, that looks like less on my calendar- still, some fun sprinkled in- but nothing over the top. Meals are less fussy. Holidays take on more meaningful moments, rather than the anxiety to have it look and feel perfect. What permissions do you need to give yourself before this holiday season hits for your home? What can you simplify? Where can you leave some room to live and breathe a little more? It’s yours for the taking mama- take it! Go to Jesus and ask Him what this looks like for you this season!
With love,
Read more from Krystle in the Help Club for Moms book!
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