Steps for a Stepmom Tip #3: Trust That God Sees You and All You Do For Your Bonus Kids 

Although I’ve never been a stepmom myself (only a bonus kid), I can imagine that being a stepmom can feel lonely. You give and give to everyone in your home and have little time for yourself. The birth mom may be hard to deal with and you’ve had to spend hard-earned money in attorney fees or court costs to try to work things out between the two families. Or maybe she says things that aren’t true about you to her kids during the time she has them. You may feel like an outsider in your own family, and like what you do doesn’t matter. 

I have good news for you my friend: God sees ALL you do and how you are working so hard to try to build a family with a bunch of broken people, yourself included. 

Precious one, please know that God loves you so much and will help you each day to be the Christian woman, wife, mom, and bonus mom you were created to be. He sees you. He sees you. He sees you. 

  • He notices the Mother’s Day when you feel left out because your stepchildren don’t remember you. 
  • He is so proud when you hold your tongue when you want to be critical of their birth mom. 
  • He knows the hurt you feel when your stepkids don’t act like they care or appreciate anything you do for them. 

He is holding you, dear one, and will help you during this challenging season of your life. Your work matters greatly to God. He is with you, hears your many prayers, and will help you walk in this role of stepmom with your family. He knows how hard things are and how much you care. 

He will reward you – on this earth and someday in heaven. Your labor and work is for Him, and it sure does make Him proud. 

Ask God to meet your needs and show you His great love for you. Pray for wisdom and for Him to fill you with love for your bonus kids. Spend time in the life-giving scriptures, and let them guide you each day. 

Then go about each moment of your few days on this earth filled with the love of Jesus Christ, and watch how He leads you. You will be amazed at how wonderful your life has been because of His love and care. 

“But the LORD watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love.” Psalm 33:18 (NLT)



Deb and the Help Club for Moms Team

Deb Weakly

2 Comments on “Steps for a Stepmom Tip #3: Trust That God Sees You and All You Do For Your Bonus Kids ”

  1. These articles have me in tears. They were written for me.
    If you could maybe write an article on prayers / scriptures to pray over the family I would appreciate it.

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