Day Three: You Were Called to Be a Mama

As a descendant of Eve, you are called to be a mother. Every woman on the earth was given a certain skillset to mother a child and be a nurturer. Being a woman is a beautiful thing. God made our … Read More

Day Four: Grow with Your Baby

When you watch your little one grow outside the womb, you will quickly see that your children can expose the best and worst parts of your character. All of who you are rises to the surface and sometimes it’s not … Read More

Day Five: Seasons & Stages

Surely the stages of pregnancy so far have surprised you! Maybe you’ve had a long bout of sickness, sensed the changes in your body, had more sleepless nights, or realized that the bathroom is now your number one pit stop … Read More

Day Seven: Preparing Your Mama Heart

“What will contractions feel like?” “Will my baby be a good sleeper?” “What kind of mom will I be?” “Did I forget to add something to my registry?”…oftentimes, the beginning of our motherhood journey comes with many questions. The mysteries … Read More

Mothering with Deb: How to Enjoy Your Children

Mama, your thoughts direct your life, and they also affect whether or not you enjoy your children! Join Deb for this week’s Mothering Monday for ideas and encouragement on how to enjoy your children more and become the JOY-filled mom … Read More

Worship with Jen and Receive God’s Grace

As moms, we give continually, always extending ourselves to those we care for.  So what do you do when your soul feels weary, that you’ve given all you’ve got, and you’re running on empty? Mama, God has grace upon grace … Read More

The Power of Praying Together

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they … Read More

Choosing What is Better in Our Homes

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42 My husband and I sometimes … Read More