Twenty Minutes a Day to a More Christ-Centered Home

Dear Mama,

Did you know that just 20 minutes a day could make all the difference in creating a more Christ-centered home? As moms, our days can quickly fill up with the hustle and bustle of life, leaving little time for the things that truly matter – like spending time with Jesus, listening to the Holy Spirit, and intentionally shaping our homes to reflect His love.

At Help Club for Moms, we’re firm believers that, even in the midst of our busiest days, dedicating just 20 minutes to God can bring about remarkable transformation. It’s about prioritizing His presence and purpose in our homes, even amidst the chaos and noise of everyday life.

Our Devotional Workbooks and Mom Tips are designed to help you make the most of those precious minutes. Here’s a simple guide to incorporating them into your daily routine:

  1. Begin with Prayer: Take the first 5 minutes of your day to connect with God in prayer, inviting His wisdom and guidance into your home.
  2. Devotional Time: Set aside the next 10 minutes to read one of our devotions, allowing God’s Word to speak to your heart. Then, take a moment to reflect and journal any insights or revelations.
  3. Plan with Purpose: Spend the final 5 minutes planning your day with intention. Browse through our Mom Tips and choose a few to implement in your home. The Mom Tips in our books are seasonal and offer practical suggestions tailored to every time of year.

Mama, don’t let the busyness of life or the whispers of doubt convince you that you’re too overwhelmed to cultivate a home filled with God’s presence. With just a few minutes of focused time each day, you can create a space where His love shines brightly.

We pray that as you carve out those 20 minutes, God will meet you there, guiding you as you navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood.

With Love,

The Help Club for Moms Team

Deb Weakly

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