You Can Hear the Voice of God!

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 (ESV)

“A word from Jesus changed everything.” Henry T. Blackaby


  • The most important part of your day is upon you. Make it count! Grab your Bible, a journal, a pen, and a mug of something yummy. Come with an expectant heart. The Lord has something to teach us every day; we need only to sit at His feet and listen.
  • Read Jeremiah 29:11-13 and journal what God is saying to you.

You Can Hear the Voice of God!

The God who formed the sun, the moon, and the stars wants to talk with you—let this incredible truth soak into your heart. His Word confirms it! Today, let’s set our minds on two things: we believe that we can hear from God, and we know how to recognize His voice because we abide in Him. When we are confident in hearing from God, we can live the abundant, productive life of joy God designed us to live.

God’s Word says we can hear Him speak! John 10:27a (NASB) says, “My sheep hear My voice.” Jesus lived in this world with us for three decades and knew us well when He compared us to sheep, declaring that we indeed can hear His voice. Sheep are vulnerable and in need of loving leadership to guide them to places of nourishment and safety. Because of this, they are experts in listening for their shepherd, so they can receive the guidance they innately know they need. Jesus called us sheep because He designed us to abide in, depend on, and discern the call of our Good Shepherd.

Next, we learn that we’re capable of discerning God’s voice in Isaiah 30:21a (ESV). “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’” This verse demonstrates the confidence we have because we will hear which decisions and directions God wants us to choose.

Finally, John 16:13 (CEV) tells us, “The Spirit shows what is true and will come and guide you…He will let you know what is going to happen.” Jesus was comforting the disciples by telling them they would hear from Him through the Holy Spirit after He ascended to heaven. We can be comforted in the same way! This passage promises us that the Holy Spirit lives within us and will guide us, show us the truth, and tell us what is going to happen.

Honestly though, how do we know it’s truly God speaking to us? Thankfully, the Bible answers this question. First of all, it says, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart,” Jeremiah 29:13 (ESV). He is looking for us to long for Him with everything in us, nothing less. Second, there are numerous verses in the Bible that direct us to ask, ask, ask God for what we need.

In Jeremiah 33:3, God says He will tell us things that we don’t know when we ask Him. Matthew 7:7a,8a says, “Ask, and it will be given to you…For everyone who asks receives.” So if our hearts are wholly submitted to seeking God, and we are asking Him for our needs, then the Bible says we can be assured that He will answer.

Once our hearts and our actions are right in God’s sight, our last responsibility in hearing from God is to abide in Him and listen. Remember, John 10:27 says that we will know His voice! John 8:47 (NLT) reminds us to gladly listen to the words of God. Hebrews 2:1 admonishes us to “pay the most careful attention” to hearing and obeying God. And finally, 1 Kings 19:12 (ESV) says a “low whisper” describes the voice of God. Our loving Heavenly Father longs to dialog with us, His beloved children. Will you take the time to walk with Him daily and listen?

Blessings and Love,


Questions to Ponder

  • If you’re like me, you earnestly long to hear from God. After all, He knows the good plans He has for you: “…to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). We want His perfect, abundant will for our lives! How will you know His will unless you hear from Him? Write in your journal how you will carve out more time to listen to Him by reading His Word. Next, write in your journal how you will create more quiet space in your life to follow the Bible’s steps for hearing God: seeking Him with your whole heart, asking Him for your needs, and then finally listening for His low whisper.

Faith-Filled Ideas

One of the unique ways I’ve learned to hear God is to listen attentively for His voice during times of worship. While I’m singing His praises, He has often reminded me of very significant things. One time, a friend was having difficulties and desperately needed an encouraging word. I did not know of her situation, but God prompted me, while I was worshipping, to call her. I was so glad I did! Another time, He gently awakened me to several of my child’s unspoken needs. Again, I was completely unaware of this situation until God spoke to my heart during worship. I was able to help and love my child more fully because of God’s tender promptings. Next time you are worshipping, keep a pen and a small notepad nearby. If you sense God moving in your heart about something, write it down. Then, worship with your obedience.

Kristi Valentine
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2 Comments on “You Can Hear the Voice of God!”

  1. I woke up this morning and saw Help for Moms within my email and the words from you and two other authors truly encouraged my heart! I desire whole heartedly to hear God’s voice and to have a deeper intimate relationship with Him. I’m recently married with 3 previous children and 1 bonus daughter who I love very much! I desire my husband to walk fully with God! My oldest son is a freshmen in college and my youngest daughter Kelsey lost her dad to heart disease when she was 6yrs old ( 3 yrs ago) Please keep my family in prayer and thank you for the words of faith/love/and encouragement! Love and blessings!

    1. Dear Sweet Sharisse,
      I am praying for you right now. You are such a sweet mom. Your children are so blessed to have such a wonderful Christian mama. The Lord is with you!!
      With love,

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