Whose Will Are You Following? 

“…May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” Matthew‬ ‭6:10‬b ‭NLT‬‬

I have been feeling overwhelmed by all the spinning plates that are in my life. Balancing being a good wife, mother and student can be challenging and honestly I often feel I am failing at all three. 

Recently, a guest speaker spoke at my church about cultivating courage. She walked us through verses from the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 32:6, 2 Chronicles 32:7) and New Testament (Acts 23:10) of God’s promises to be with us and to help us be strong and courageous. After the service I asked for prayer against my fear of failure.  As I was being prayed over I felt God saying, “by whose standards are you failing?”

In that moment I realized that I was setting the standards of my success without God’s input. I felt like I was failing because I was following my own will in my own strength. I needed to surrender my will and truly embrace the Lord’s will for me. 

Sister, we need to continue to rely on His guidance and strength through reading God’s Word and through daily prayer in order to reach the unique and individual goals He has for us. 

Pray with me 🙏🏼

Lord, forgive me for striving to pursue my own will and not seeking Yours. Give me the courage to put down my own desires and to fully trust in Your plan for my life. Empower me to seek Your will daily and to truly walk on the path You have created for me. 

In Jesus’ name,



Nikki Evans and the Help Club for Moms Team

Nikki Evans
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