When You Feel Rejected

This is for someone who needs this today. Jesus is with you and understands your pain. Let Him hold you… “He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.” John 1:11 It’s so comforting to know that Jesus … Read More

Help Club for Moms Summer Encouragement Plans

☀️ Hello, Help Club Mamas!! ☀️ Are you ready for summer? We are SO EXCITED to announce a SPECIAL summer program here at the Help Club designed to help us all ENJOY our families as much as possible this summer!! Yes… 😌the Coronavirus may … Read More

Need Encouragement Mama?

Do you and your friends need encouragement, especially now? How about starting a book club? The Help Club for Moms new book and Companion Bundle is the perfect book club to do with your friends to help each other stay … Read More