Homeschooling with Heaven Sponsor Spotlight: Breath Beads

We would like to thank Breath Beads for their sponsorship of Homeschooling with Heaven 2024! Without their generous donation, this conference would not be possible! Breath Beads are a wearable wellness tool to encourage prayer and breathing in children and … Read More

Help Club Summer Study- Join Us Today! πŸŽ‰

Hey, Mamas, we have some EXCITING things happening here!! 😍😍 πŸŽ‰ We are getting everything ready for our summer study THE WISE WOMAN ENJOYS! πŸŽ‰ Click HERE to grab your copy of The Wise Woman Enjoys today! We CANNOT WAIT … Read More

Prayers Around the World: Kelsey Stewart USA

Prayers Around the World: Kelsey Stewart USA Welcome to a wonderful week full of love for you, mama! “Prayers Around the World for Moms” is a week dedicated to praying for moms around the world! Join Kelsey Stewart in the … Read More

Pray Psalm 145

Click HERE to download the free printable for praying Psalm 145!

7 Promises from God Printables

Enjoy these “7 Promises from God “printables with your child! 7 Promises from God Printable for Toddler/Young Girls   7 Promises from God Printable for Toddler/Young Boys   7 Promises from God Printable for Preteen/Teen Girls   7 Promises from … Read More

On Loving Your Husband as His Wife

β€œHowever, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”-Ephesians 5:33 ESV A couple of weeks ago, I was hit with the hard reality that my husband gets what … Read More

Mom Tip Saturday: Christmas Date

Hey Mamas! Each week, we share a Mom Tip to help you run your household with more efficiency, grace, and love! Start a new yearly tradition with your husband! Have an annual “Christmas Date Night” consisting of one Christmas tradition … Read More

Mom Tip Saturday: Joyful Organization

Hey Mamas! Each week, we share a Mom Tip to help you run your household with more efficiency, grace, and love! Spend some time with your children by sitting with them while you sort through old toys and make plans … Read More

Mom Tip Saturday: Joyful Preparations

Hey Mamas! Each week, we share a Mom Tip to help you run your household with more efficiency, grace, and love! Save yourself the last-minute panic and prepare extra holiday food in advance to be frozen until you need it … Read More

Mom Tip Saturday: A Christmas Tune

Hey Mamas! Each week, we share a Mom Tip to help you run your household with more efficiency, grace, and love! Play Christmas music in your home and make time in your schedule for regular Bible study and prayer! There … Read More