Day Five: Seasons & Stages

Surely the stages of pregnancy so far have surprised you! Maybe you’ve had a long bout of sickness, sensed the changes in your body, had more sleepless nights, or realized that the bathroom is now your number one pit stop … Read More

Day Six: No Need for Perfection

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 (NIV) … Read More

Day Seven: Preparing Your Mama Heart

“What will contractions feel like?” “Will my baby be a good sleeper?” “What kind of mom will I be?” “Did I forget to add something to my registry?”…oftentimes, the beginning of our motherhood journey comes with many questions. The mysteries … Read More

God, are You a Morning Person?

God, sometimes I think you’re a morning person.  I can imagine how excited You get as the Earth spins and brings a new day to each continent. How You smile as the cities, towns, and villages start to wake up. … Read More

A Mothers Day Gift for You!

🌹Happy Mother’s Day to YOU! Enjoy a FREE month of our NEW May Mothering Kit as a gift from all of us at Help Club! We are so thankful for each and every one of you! Go to and … Read More

Kacy’s Little Devos: Claim Your Ground!

There is always something you can do when you feel like you are out of options. Mama, if your heart is feeling discouraged or you’re battling with hopelessness, there is a powerful Truth for you today from God’s Word. Join … Read More