Grow Your Faith Section 3: Christian Family Life

Giving your life to Jesus does not only affect your heart, it also positively affects the way you approach parenting, work, and loving your husband. Christ becomes the foundation upon which you build relationships, and attributes such as kindness, patience, … Read More

Grow Your Faith Section 2: Taking The Next Step

Welcome to the family of God! This section provides answers to some questions you may have, including, “What do I do now?” or, “How do I connect with other believers?” We will address the importance of joining a church, connecting … Read More

Intentionality with the Television

“These words I am commanding you today are to be upon your hearts. And you shall teach them diligently to your children and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when … Read More

Giving Your Kids the Gift of Wonder

Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” God has created this magnificent world as a love-gift to us! How can we instill wonder at God’s creation within the hearts of … Read More

Six Steps to Enjoy a More Peaceful Home

Would you like a few suggestions to help your home feel more peaceful this summer? These six ideas have helped me to enjoy my home life with my family more. I pray they will help you too! 1. Relax– Make … Read More

Rachel’s Super Simple Dating Ideas

Do you and your husband ever fall into the trap of only talking about the kids or schedules on date night? This used to happen to me and my husband all the time until we finally decided to make a … Read More

Start a Help Club at Your Church

Start a Church Group 2022

A word about Help Club for Moms from Dr. Michelle Anthony, Family Ministries Executive Pastor, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.   You can start a thriving mom’s ministry in just a few short steps! The Help Club for Moms … Read More