Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer for Wisdom About the Times We Live In

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” John 16:13 NLT

Recently, I have felt the Lord telling me, once again, to be so careful with the media I consume. It’s so easy to get drawn down the rabbit hole of fear, worry, and gloom, and I am afraid I have been led down that dark little hole too many times. It usually happens at night, right before bed, when I am tired, but not quite ready to go to sleep. My video newsfeed loves to tell me about all of the impending doom and, as you can imagine, watching those reels makes for a restless nights sleep. So I am trying to be more discerning about social media, and guarding my heart.

There is a big part of me, however, that wants to be careful how I live and be wise as I discern the times. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that we are living in a crazy world with evil running rampant with no justice in sight. You can sit back and wonder as I have, “How long, LORD, shall the wicked— How long shall the wicked triumph?” (Psalm 94:3)

We Christians do know the end of the story. The world will be set to right and restored; Jesus will prevail over evil!

But what do we do in the meantime, while we are living in a place that feels a whole lot like Babylon? Is there anything we should be doing?

I believe we can find our answers in the same place that generations before us found their answers- in the Word of God, with the Holy Spirit leading the way. We can ask the Holy Spirit to “Guide us into all truth and tell us what is to come” (John 16:13).

Part of the Holy Spirit’s leading to us is to tell us what to do in the times we live in; He gives us wisdom and guidance about the future, and how to live with prudence and understanding. Each of us need to hear God induvidually on how to plan for our particular family, apart from all of the other voices in our culture, especially now.  After all, it was God who created us and our children to live in this broken generation; we can trust Him to lead us and guide us in our world today.

Pray this prayer with me…

“Holy Spirit, thank you that You are guiding me into all truth, and showing me things that are to come. Thank you that you are speaking specifically about my future. I put my trust in you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

We can rest assured knowing that our faithful God will help us live wisely and make good decisions, no matter the state of our world.

I am praying for you, dear one!

With much love,

Deb and the Help Club for Moms Team




Deb Weakly

2 Comments on “Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer for Wisdom About the Times We Live In”

  1. Thank you. I am 5 year old boy Mom. I lost my Mom 16 years ago. I have been blessed with some new moms and great friends that support and guide me. GOD love is real and always on time.

    I appreciate your ministry.

    1. I appreciate you too Hollye. I am so very sorry you lost your sweet mama. It is very hard to lose your mama.
      I am praying for you right now.
      Mama Deb

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