Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer to Help Me Enjoy My Children

“He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD.” Psalm 113:9

When my kids were growing up, I really wanted to enjoy my life, and I also wanted my kids to remember me as a joyful mom. This is so much easier said than done because being a mom is exhausting, and a tired mama is not usually a happy mama. I prayed about it, and the Lord led me to  Scriptures like 1 Thessalonians 5:16 which said, “Be joyful always.” This is such a convicting Scripture because it says “always.” Always means always, even when I was tired and stressed from all the work of being a mom.

One day as I was praying about this, God gave me a simple prayer that I wrote on an index card and kept at my kitchen sink.

Pray this prayer with me… “Lord, help me to put down the work and play with my kids. Help me to enjoy them more, laugh a lot and be fun to be around.”

I can honestly say that praying this one prayer really helped me remember to enjoy my children, and it can help you too!

Mama, God will help you be a joyful mom! He will help you enjoy your life with your kids, no matter your season- whether you are sleep deprived from life with a newborn, potty training, breaking up sibling fusses, exhausted from driving the kids all over town, trying to connect with your teenager, working full-time and trying to balance a busy life, or sending your graduate off to college in the fall- God can help you become a joy-filled Mama.

Pray and ask God to settle you as a happy mother of your children. He will do it!


Deb Weakly

8 Comments on “Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer to Help Me Enjoy My Children”

  1. Discovering that slowing down is actually a great strength! TY for the great encouragement!

  2. First time I’ve taken the time to actually listen to the whole podcast and I wanted to say Amen and thank you.

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