How Help Club for Moms has Changed My Life

In the time I have been with the Help Club for Moms, my relationship with Jesus has deepened, and my faith has grown immensely.  The ministry’s focus on Jesus and His Word has helped me to foster intimacy with the … Read More

Introduction to the Companion Guide

Welcome to the Help Club! We are so glad you are here! Hello there! My name is Deb, and I get to help lead this wonderful ministry of ordinary women whose heart’s desire is to help other moms know the … Read More

Praise ABC’s

One of the best things I ever learned as a young mom was the importance of praising God, even when times were tough. The Bible says that God inhabits, or is enthroned on, the praise of His people (Psalm 22:3). … Read More

Have a Talk with God Podcast

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:3 Hear why it’s so important to spend some time with your Heavenly Father today with the Help Club … Read More

The Holy Spirit is Closer Than You Think, Mom

One of my greatest blessings as an individual is that of a relationship with the Holy Spirit. The most beautiful part of this relationship is that it is not merely limited only to the things we usually term ‘spiritual’, it … Read More

Mothering with Deb: How to Enjoy Motherhood

Need ideas and encouragement on how to enjoy your children more? Join Deb for this week’s Mothering Monday and learn some easy ways to help you become the JOY-filled mom you’ve always wanted to be!