How to Be Your Husband’s Prayer Warrior

“With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26.

How to Be Your Husband’s Prayer Warrior

We Know Each Other So Well

The other day, my husband and I were taking an evening walk around the neighborhood. We love this time together. It is a chance for us to catch up on how each other’s days were, what happened at work, plans we have for the house, and plans we have for the future; sometimes, we don’t say much at all but enjoy holding hands and being in each other’s company.

As we were talking, the sun setting behind us and the evening breeze blowing strongly, we said the exact same thing at the same time. This is something we find ourselves doing often. I suppose you cannot be with someone for 26 years and not start to think the same or even speak the same. We laughed and joked that we had been together too long. But it is in knowing him so well that I am able to pray for him so well.

Lest you think this sounds like a perfect marriage, I assure you it is not. My husband and I have been through some wonderful times, but we have also gone through our share of hardships and difficulties as well. But through it all, I have learned to pray for him and to pray for him consistently on a daily basis. When I began to do this, I started to see changes in him and our marriage.

One of the things that I know many Christian women are going through is the struggle of living with a man who is not a believer. If that is you today, or if you have friends or family members dealing with this issue, I want to give you some difficult but necessary steps to create a firmer foundation for your marriage and hopefully bring your husband into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

You must become a prayer warrior for your husband.

What You Can Know

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love, with unfailing love. I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 NLT.

If your husband is not a believer, or his faith walk and yours are on different paths, know that God is seeking his heart. God is constantly wooing and pursuing his children. God longs to draw your husband to himself.

Do not be deceived by the enemy that your husband is a lost cause. Don’t believe the lie that he will never change. Those words are meant to create frustration and separation. The devil wants you to lose faith and to lose hope. He wears you down so that you begin to wonder if your prayers are being heard—they are! Don’t fall into the trap of lies that he is setting for you.

Keep praying for your husband’s salvation. Keep praying that he would soften his heart to seek the heart of the Father. Remember that Jesus said, “With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Your husband needs you to keep praying for him, even if he doesn’t realize it yet.

God Wants the Best for Your Marriage

God created both of you. No one knows you as the Father knows you, and He wants the best for both of you as individuals and as husband and wife. When you come to him in prayer, the Lord will reveal powerful truths about his plans for you and for the man you love.

Jesus said this about your marriage, “So they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together let no one separate.” Matthew 19:6.

We are called to pound on heaven’s door!

God has ordained that you and your husband are one flesh, so it is important to fight the battle, be the prayer warrior, and not surrender to the enemy.

Is your husband worth fighting for? Is your marriage worth fighting for?

God believes it is, so don’t stop praying!

Three Ways You Can Approach Praying for Your Husband

Pray Regularly

“Rejoice always, pray continuously, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

I know some of you are dealing with very difficult situations in your marriage and with your husbands. I know you may even find the idea of praying for him very difficult. There have been times in my own marriage when I found it difficult to pray for my husband. There were times when we went through some hard seasons, and the last thing I wanted to do was pray for him.

But I knew things would never change if I didn’t pray. Often, I believe that walking in obedience to pray regularly helped not only soften my husband’s heart but it helped soften mine as well. I honestly don’t know how people make it without prayer.

Praying for your husband should be something that you do every day. God has called us to pray without ceasing. This is especially important when praying for your marriage, your husband, and his salvation. Do not grow weary in praying for him, even if you don’t see the fruit of your planting—keep planting that seed of faith.

Pray Specifically

“You do not have because you do not ask.” James 4:2 ESV.

When you pray to the Lord daily for your husband, know that God is there waiting for you. He already knows what you need and is ready to listen to you. But he wants to hear from you, and he wants you to be specific about what you are asking for.

If you are praying for your husband’s salvation or to increase his faith, ask the Lord for that specifically. If your husband has other needs, then pray for those as well.

Pray Thankfully

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 ESV.

I know that it is not easy to be thankful in many of the circumstances that you face in your marriage. But there is something so powerful about giving thanks to God even amid trials and difficulties.

It defeats the forces of darkness in the spiritual realm. When we thank God for everything he has given us, even when he gives us hard things, it stops the devil in his tracks and causes him to run away from us defeated.


I hope that you are encouraged by this call to action to be a prayer warrior for your husband. My prayer for you is that you will find the strength to keep pressing in and keep waiting for the miracle.

I know that praying for an unbelieving husband can feel like the Jericho wall. God told the Israelites to walk around that wall in prayer for seven days, and the wall would fall. If they had given up on the sixth day, they would have missed the miracle—don’t give up! Keep walking around that wall and pray that the walls of your husband’s heart will fall.

I have a friend who had the divorce papers signed. Her husband had walked away from God and the church, and he had walked away from her into a relationship with another woman. Just days before it was to go to court to make it official, her husband called her and told her he had rededicated his life to Christ and didn’t want to get a divorce. He wanted to try and fix what he had broken, what the devil had broken in their relationship.

Today, after time and much counseling from their pastor, they are happier than they have ever been, and they are enjoying life with a new baby girl. I can tell you from walking with her during that season that she NEVER stopped praying for him. She didn’t give up before the seventh day and got the miracle she had been crying out for.

The impossible became possible through Jesus.

So don’t let the enemy defeat you in this most critical battle—be a warrior, and don’t give up before you see the miracle!

In Christ,

Susie O’Neal and the Help Club for Moms Team


Susie O'Neal
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10 Comments on “How to Be Your Husband’s Prayer Warrior”

  1. This is so encouraging. I am crying out to the Lord for my Miracle. Praying specifically for my husband salvation and soften the heart of my husband to seek out Heavenly Father daily In Jesus name Amen.

    I’m not giving up on my husband/marriage after divorce. This is our marriage after divorce restoration moment. God will restore our marriage back to what He desire it to be for me In Jesus name

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