Plant Yourself Firmly in the Word of God

Plant Yourself Firmly in the Word of God As we begin to ponder what it means to grow and flourish as a Christ-follower, I can’t think of a more beautiful picture than the one in Psalm 1:1-3: Blessed is the one … Read More

Mom Tips: Love Your Husband Week One

The Mom Tips are designed to help you to grow closer to Jesus, offer new ideas to help you to grow in your relationships with your husband and children, and establish a Christ-centered home. At the beginning of each week, simply pray about … Read More

Delicious Lasagna

There are many ways to show our husbands that we love them. They each feel loved and appreciated differently. Pray this week for God to open your eyes to a specific way to honor your man. When I want to show … Read More

Easy Granola Bars

For me, in this crazy, busy season of life with my littles, showing love to my children comes down to 1 Corinthians 13:4. Love. Is. Patient. There it is, sweet and simple. God exhorts us to be patient. This verse really speaks … Read More

Do You Long to Grow Closer to Your Husband?

Dear Sister, Do you long to grow closer to your husband? Do you find your marriage growing stale and in need of revival? Perhaps you desire more intentionality as a wife? This spring, join the Help Club for Moms community … Read More

Join the Single Mom Encouragement Challenge!

We know that we have lots of single mamas who follow us here, and for this book, we made something especially for YOU!  When you purchase the book, you get access to so many AMAZING printables, one of them being … Read More

Spiritual Parenting This Spring!

We are SO EXCITED to feature 💗💗💗 Dr. Michelle Anthony 💗💗💗, author of the inspirational book Spiritual Parenting, in our brand new Bible study The Wise Woman Grows! Michelle is so passionate about encouraging moms to seek Jesus in their parenting and has … Read More

Come Pray With The Help Club!

💗💗 Hey hey hey! We are SO EXCITED about our WEEK OF PRAYER coming up very soon! We are so thankful to have the opportunity to pray with you and for you! And to add to the excitment, we will have … Read More

Mom Tips: New Year’s Week One

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit…” John 15:5 The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit! Pray and ask the Lord to help you to be the … Read More

Mom Tips: Christmas Week Four

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit…” John 15:5 The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit! Take some time to think of something you want to give … Read More