Mama, Take Your Cares to Jesus

Sweet mama, are you tired today? Are you worn out by the needs of your little ones or emotionally weary with a soul desperately seeking wisdom for your family? Take your cares to Jesus right now! Lay your exhaustion or … Read More

Allow Joy to Spring Up Today

Oh, Mama, it is a good thing to long for the sweet presence of Jesus – He washes away the works of man! Like a mighty river, He cleanses and frees us from the bondage of expectation – “do’s and … Read More

Words of Affirmation

Hello Friend, This week of the Joy Challenge for Moms was full of SO many good nuggets! It was hard to pick just one to put into a practical application! I really love “Day 11” and the exhortation to put … Read More

The Challenge of What’s True

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”  Psalm 119:105 How many times have you been advised to “Follow your heart?” It’s a popular philosophy in today’s feelings-driven culture. However, real joy does not lie … Read More

Speak “Light” Today, Mama

The very first words God spoke (recorded in Scripture), are powerful and life-giving!   “Let there be light”. (Genesis 1:3)   Light brings hope and joy! It dispels darkness, warms and invigorates. It leads, guides and brings clarity to us. … Read More

My Thoughts vs. God’s Thoughts

Hello Friend, Does your saved (Christian) child struggle with negative thoughts? Even though they are saved, they can still believe lies about themselves; it’s hard for them to see how wonderfully God views them. This takes a renewing of the mind … Read More

Mama, Give Yourself Permission to Receive

Sweet Mama, right now we are in a season of constant giving, but are we giving ourselves permission to receive? Because of our busyness, it takes a lot of effort to accept grace, to receive love, to rest in the … Read More

Lies vs Truth

Lies vs Truth Hello friends, this is Kathryn. Recently I was lying in bed at night with fears that were keeping me awake. Those fears included: – What if something bad happens to one of my kids? – I’m failing … Read More

God is Here with Me Now

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 Did you know it is possible to believe in Jesus without embracing the fullness … Read More