How to Help Club: Why We Worship

“I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” Psalm 104:33 How To Help Club! Why we always worship at a Help Club meeting and why we believe … Read More

The Wise Woman Believes Reading Schedule and Info

Hello Friends! We are really looking forward to spending this semester together strengthening our faith! Don’t forget to watch the orientation video. Click this link to watch!  Be sure to print out The Wise Woman Believes Reading Schedule! Click this … Read More

Enjoying Your Teens

Mama, no matter what other well-meaning critics of the teen years may say, the time between ages 13 and 18 doesn’t have to be stressful and draining. It is possible to enjoy your life with teenagers in the home! Let’s … Read More

Keep Going Even When Life Gets Tough

If you were to ask what the single most important theme or goal of my life would be, without a doubt I would say, that I finish well what God started. At life’s very end when I stand before Jesus, … Read More

Teaching Session Two: Your Purpose is Not In Your Perfection

Go deeper into your Help Club for Moms group study with Deb: “Your Purpose is Not In Your Perfection” and “Group Discussion Questions.” Click this link to watch the video! Click this link to access the Group Discussion Questions!

Join the Help Club for Moms Online Community

“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. Hey Moms! Would you like a place to grow deeper in your faith with … Read More

Join our Summer Study!

Welcome to the Help Club for Moms! The Help Club for Moms is a community of moms committed to encouraging other moms to know the love of Jesus Christ. We believe that just 20 minutes per day can change your home … Read More