How Help Club For Moms Came To Be!

Click here to watch the video! Hey Mamas! Ever wonder how the Help Club for Moms came to be? Here’s a little intro video to our fall Bible Study and how to get the most out of it, and also … Read More

Worshipping Through the Trials

Click here to watch the video! “The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.” Mary Kay Ash Mamas, your attitude matters! You set the tone in your home and your children emulate the way you live your … Read More

Learning to Focus on the Word of God!

Click here to watch the video! Learning to focus on God helps us to hear His voice, and that changes everything! #wisewomanabides

Teach Your Children the 10 Commandments

Hello mamas! I love teaching my kids about the Bible, but honestly, sometimes it feels overwhelming to me or my kids feel bored by it. I want to make God’s Word exciting and relatable to where they are in their … Read More

The Holy Spirit Is Our Helper

“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.” John 16:7 (ESV) … Read More

Mom Tip in Action: Pray for Your Man

Hey mamas! It’s Jackie, one of the writers here at the Help Club for Moms. I love sharing about prayer, and especially praying for our husbands- it’s so important! I like to ask my hubby at the beginning and the middle … Read More

You Can Trust Jesus with Your Life!

Click here to watch the video!  How you can live and love more like Jesus, by giving up control and trusting Him more. ❤️ #wisewomanabides

Children are a Planting of the Lord

Children are a planting of the Lord, tended by the elements of a Christ-centered family. If my children are a garden, I want them well watered in love to flourish and produce fruit. We do our best to read the … Read More