Listen to our most recent podcasts!

Recent podcasts

Mothering with Deb: How to Forgive Even When You Are Still Hurting

Hello, beautiful moms! Join me for a special mentoring session where we dive into a topic that touches the deepest parts of our hearts: “How to Forgive Even When You’re Still Hurting.” Forgiveness can feel impossible when it still hurts—whether ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Cultivate Great Sibling Relationships

Hey, Dear Mamas! Summer is here, and with it comes lots of time for our kids to be together. We know that with all this togetherness, there’s bound to be a few sibling squabbles. But don’t worry, we’ve got you ...

Mom Tips Friday: Marriage, Mothering, and Me—Daily Habits that Bless with Bek

How do I balance motherhood, marriage, and self-care, like exercise and personal time? Many of us wrestle with this question, so you are not alone! Join Bek as she shares a few ideas from her own mothering journey! Click HERE to join ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage

Hey, Mamas Join us for a powerful and practical Facebook Live mentoring session on “How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage.” (If you would like to join us LIVE for these videos, please join the Help Club for Moms Online Group on ...

Mothering with Deb: Summer Study Orientation and How to Plan a Great Summer

Wondering what on earth to do with your kids this summer? Join Deb for GREAT tips and encouragement to help make this summer the BEST one yet!! This video will also cover how to get the most out of the ...

How to Get the Most Out of the Help Club for Moms Program

Hey Mama! Do you need help as a woman, wife, and mom? The Help Club for Moms is here with many resources to help you become a woman who knows the love of her Savior, cultivates a strong marriage and ...

Mom Tips Friday: Three Easy Ways to Improve Your Marriage

Welcome to Mom Tips Friday! This week we are all about improving your relationship with your man! Join Deb for three powerful and easy ways to strengthen your bond with your husband: noticing him, sharing in his passions, and offering ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Hear the Voice of God

Mama, do you have trouble hearing from God? It’s ok friend, we ALL can have a hard time hearing from God. But the GREAT news is that God loves you and He will help you hear His voice! And it’s ...

NEW Podcast-Renew Your Soul: 5 Heartfelt Strategies for Overcoming Burnout as a Homeschool Mom

Homeschooling is H A R D, and burnout is real, but there are things you can do to overcome it. This week’s Homeschooling with Heaven episode is led by veteran homeschooler Deb Weakly. Join her for tried-and-true tips to help ...

Mothering with Deb- Start Strong: Building a Great Morning Routine

Hello, dear moms! This week on Mothering Monday, I’m excited to share a topic that’s near and dear to my heart: “Start Strong: Building a Morning Routine That Empowers Busy Moms.” Join me as I open up about my personal ...

Mothering with Deb: A Heart to Heart for Weary Moms

Hey there, beautiful mama! If you’re feeling the weight of motherhood on your shoulders, you’re not alone. Today, Deb shares a word from the Lord and some encouragement straight from her heart to yours. You are not alone, mama. Click HERE to ...

NEW Video Broadcast: A Mom is Born: Rachael Elmore on the Depths of Motherhood

Hello, Dear Mama, Are you or anyone you know struggling with postpartum or prolonged depression? We want to tell you these four little words: You are safe here. When we birth a baby, whether our first or seventh, a new ...

Special Podcast with Andrew Arndt: What Makes Good Friday Good?

Hello Mamas! Welcome to Good Friday! Isn’t it odd how we call the worst thing that ever happened on planet Earth “good”? As in, “Good Friday”? What makes the death of the Word-became-flesh, Jesus Christ, “good”? Join one of the ...

Passionate for Jesus: An Interview with Jackie Baker

The Help Club for Moms is honored to present an uplifting conversation and LIVE worship session with incredible worship leader Jackie Baker, a devoted husband and dad who radiates his love for Jesus through his music. Get ready to be ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Really Love Your Struggling Child

What do you do when your child is struggling with rejection or anger? How can you reach their heart? There is HOPE for you and your child! Jesus is with you, Mama, and He is with your child too! Join ...

Mom Tips Friday: The Blessings of Making Love

Does your marriage need a pick-me-up? Join Deb and Rachel for an honest look at learning to look at your husband and desiring him in new ways! Click HERE to sign up for your FREE two-week Supernatural Mom Mothering Kit membership! ...

Mom Tips Friday: Encouragement for Homeschoolers with Deb

It’s the first week of January, and Mom is inclined, to feel stressed to the hilt because the children are behind. 🙂 Mama, it is so normal to feel stressed after the holidays. The children have had lots of time ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Leave the Past Behind and Enter Into Your New Year with JOY!

Do you need a fresh start, Mama? Are there any troubles or burdens you are carrying that you need to leave at the feet of Jesus? Join Deb for a special New Year’s Mothering with Deb to help you gain ...

Mothering Monday with Deb: How to Make Your Christmas Celebration Special

Do you need some fresh ideas for Christmas? Join Deb for encouragement and tips to help your holiday celebration feel special and for you to feel harmony in your relationships. *Click HERE to sign up for your two-week free Supernatural Mom Mothering ...

Mom Tips Friday: Navigating Behaviors, Budgets, and Blessings with Bek and Kristall

Feeling overwhelmed by excited kids, budget constraints, and holiday invitations? Join us as we discuss tips for living with excited kids, shopping with wisdom, and managing your Christmas calendar with Kristall Willis, a mother of two who is learning how ...

Mothering with Deb and Jen: Supernatural Time Management

Mama, do you get overwhelmed by the many demands on your time? Do you feel like you don’t have enough time or are unsure where to start when you get the time? We’ve been there, sister! Our God is the ...

Mom Tips Friday with Bek and Tonya: Christmas Traditions, Tips, and Treasures

Need inspiration and encouragement? Join us as we talk Christmas traditions and tips for minimizing stress with Tonya Mohr, a mother of three who is learning how to keep the holidays simple and meaningful ...

Mom Tips Friday: How to Have a Great Christmas with Less Money

Mama, does the thought of spending lots of money on Christmas stress you out? You want to give your children a Christmas they will remember, but you simply don’t have the cash on hand this year.  Take heart, friend. You ...

Mothering with Deb: How to be More Effective in Your Ministry as a Homemaker

The holidays are coming so fast, and you may already feel the pull of demands on your family’s full schedule. Knowing your priorities and your calling as a mom will help you to put first things first this holiday season. Join ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: Three Tips to Help You Have More Self Discipline in Your Life

Mama, do you feel like you can never stay on top of your life? Are you exhausted and burned out? Things do not need to be this way. Join Deb for tips and ideas to help you thrive in the ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: Serving with a Heart of Worship this Season

We know life can be so overwhelming and full as a mama. Tune in for tips on how to make this serving season the best one yet! Join Krystle, Mari Jo, Kelsey, and Deb as we talk about the heart ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Prepare Your Teen and Preteen for a Great Future

Mama, you are raising the future of our world in your family. There are Daniel’s, David’s, Esthers, and Deborah’s living in your home right now. How will you raise them up? We need men and women of God in the ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: Conversations for Homeschooling Moms

This week’s Mom Tips Tuesday is for our current or soon-to-be homeschooling moms. Join Deb and Kelsey for an encouraging conversation to help you soar this year in your home education. Today’s broadcast includes an honest look at how it’s ...

Mothering with Deb: Three Tips to Help You Prosper in Today’s World

Mama, It’s so easy to look around at the state of our world and see only doom and gloom, but with Christ, you can prosper! Jesus has ideas and strategies that are just for you and your family. Join Deb ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: How to Gain More Peace in Your Days as a Mom

Do you feel you are on the verge of burnout as a mom? We have all been there! Join us for Mom Tips Tuesday as we discuss three simple, but impactful ways you can experience more peace in your days ...

Door Number 3: When God Has a BETTER Plan Than You Could Ever Imagine

Join Deb and her daughter, Christie Frieg, for an insightful look at the heavenly strategies and ideas available to you as a daughter of the King. Start asking God to do exceedingly abundantly above all you could ask or imagine! ...

Friday Special: Encouragement for Moms of Kids with Unique Abilities or Learning Disabilities

Parenting a child with disabilities can be challenging. Getting a wheelchair in and out of the car is hard enough, but all the appointments and difficulties can stress a marriage and be exhausting for both parents. It can feel hopeless ...

What is Help Club for Moms?

So, what exactly is Help Club for Moms? And how can you be a part of the Club? We thought you’d never ask! Come listen today as we talk about how we got started, all our resources available to you ...

Mothering with Deb: The Wise Woman Makes Her Home a Haven

Hey, Mamas, Do you need new ideas on creating a Christ-centered life and home? Join Deb for an introduction to the NEW October Mothering Kit: “The Wise Woman Makes Her Heart and Home a Haven for Christ.” You will LOVE ...

Friday Special: How to Handle Bullying

Bullying is a massive issue for our kids, and it can be very painful for your child. Many bullied kids sink into discouragement and depression, which can feel scary for us moms. So what’s a mom to do when her ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Pray Over Your Home

Mama, your home is more than a physical structure; it is a place where faith, love, and the presence of God dwell, and where your family comes to seek refuge from the burdens and the weight of the world. Join ...

Mom To Mom with Kacy: Your Purpose is Not in Your Perfection

We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 Dear Mama, While you were still growing in your mother’s womb, you were fully loved by God. You didn’t have to do a thing to earn that love! Sometimes, I ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Pray BIG Prayers for Yourself and Your Family

Mama, tucked away in Scripture, are life-changing prayers you can pray for your family that will not only increase your faith but will affect your family for many generations to come! Your prayers move heaven and achieve unusual results!! Join ...

Meet the Team: An Interview with Deb and Kathryn Egly

The Help Club for Moms is made up of a large team of volunteers who love Jesus and love moms. Each of our leaders has a unique story and life, and we would love for you to get to know ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: When Motherhood Feels Impossible

Do you feel the task of motherhood seems too overwhelming, you don’t know what you’re doing, and maybe God picked the wrong mom for your kids? We’ve been there! Come and be part of “Mom Tips Tuesday” with Krystle this ...

Mothering with Deb: Three Tips for a Great Marriage

Mama, God has great plans for your marriage! No matter if your marriage has grown stale and dry or if you’re in a flourishing season, there are always ways your marriage can improve! With God, all things are possible! Join ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: Tips on Overcoming Fear as a Wife

Join us for “Mom Tips Tuesday”! Today, you get a special glimpse into the marriage section of our Mothering Kit Subscription! Adam and Krystle are talking all about overcoming fear responses as a wife. If you have been asking the Lord ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: How To Persevere In Marriage When It Feels Hard

Do you feel discouraged in your marriage and wish your relationship was better? We have been there, too. We have one simple mom tip for you today that is so impactful and can help you to have hope again! We ...

Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer for Wisdom About the Times We Live In

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” John 16:13 NLT Recently, I ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: God has Practical Solutions for Your Everyday Problems

Mom, do you feel stressed about juggling life with kids this fall? As we begin the new school year, we can already feel overwhelmed with the demands on our time and energy. We can even feel trapped in a new ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Thrive Even When You Have Unmet Expectations

Hey Mamas!! Don’t miss this week’s Mothering Monday video! We NEED to talk about how to THRIVE amidst unmet expectations! My husband and I went through an experience in 2008 where we lost so much, and God restored it beyond ...

Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer for Restoration

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 Mama, Jesus said that your enemy, the devil, comes to steal, kill, and destroy ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: How To Reach Your Child’s Heart & Connect With God This School Year

Do you need a simple way to reach your child’s heart of any age this school year? And do you desire to spend more time with God that brings peace to your soul? We are talking all about this in ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Pray for Your Kids this School Year

Mama, your prayers move heaven and achieve unusual results! When you pray for your children, you will impact their lives for eternity! Join Deb for practical ideas and sample prayers to help you pray for your kids more this school ...

Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer for My Children

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52 ESV I love today’s key Scripture; it shows Jesus’s humanity so beautifully. It’s beautiful because it shows that even Jesus had to increase ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: Three Tips for Parenting Strong-Willed Children

Parenting a strong-willed child can be so exhausting and tiring, and humbling. Mama, God has great plans for that spirited child of yours and will help you raise them up and also enjoy a close relationship with them as adults! ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Join the Help Club for Moms Fall Program

Mama, do you need help this fall? Join the NEW Help Club for Moms Fall Program! We have so much ENCOURAGEMENT coming your way! Join Deb as she unpacks all of the GOODNESS we have in store for you this ...

Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer to Help Me See My Children for Who They Really Are

“Love never fails…” 1 Corinthians 13:8a About 25 years ago, I was a mom of two Littles. I desperately wanted to be a good mom and raise my children up in a joyful home filled with love, but I had ...

The Beloved Mom Day Eight: A Little Pondering About the Love of Jesus

I was spending time with Jesus recently, and He taught me something I wanted to share with you, dear ones. Sometimes when I sit with the Lord, I get distracted by thoughts of things that need to get done, so ...

The Beloved Mom Day Seven: For the Mom Who Feels Insecure

Dear one, in Christ, you are hidden and wildly safe. Even though the enemy attacks you, he will not succeed. You will prevail through Christ! In Christ, you are loved fully and completely; there is no one who can, will, ...

The Beloved Mom Day Six: For the Mom Who Doesn’t Know What to Do

Dear one, the Lord wants you to know that He is there with you when you feel like you don’t know what to do. You might feel at a loss about a child who is disobedient or distant, and you ...

The Beloved Mom Day Five: For the Mom Who Feels Lost and Alone

If there was one emotion I most consistently felt in my parenting, it was this one- I felt lost and alone so frequently. Even now, as I help lead Help Club, I still have seasons where I feel alone. I ...

The Beloved Mom Day Four: For the Mom Who Feels Overwhelmed

I prayed and asked the Lord for an encouraging word for the mom who feels overworked and overwhelmed. I feel the Lord say… Dear one, the Lord will help you with whatever is stressing you today. He sees how hard ...

The Beloved Mom Day Three: For the Motherless and the Fatherless Ones

I asked the Lord today for an encouraging word for the moms who have lost a parent or never really had the support of a Christian mom or dad. I lost my mom emotionally to alcoholism when I was 10 ...

The Beloved Mom Day Two: For the Mom Who Is In The Middle of a Hard Season

God wants you to know that He hears your prayers and help is on the way. There is no situation too hard for God. He is working on your behalf. No matter your circumstances, no matter how deep the darkness ...

The Beloved Mom Day One: Mom, You are Dearly Loved by Jesus

Recently, I have felt the Lord leading me to pray more deeply for moms around the world. As a women’s ministry leader, my heart breaks for mothers who feel lost and alone, like they don’t know what to do. I ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: When You Didn’t Have the Summer You Hoped For

Many of us had high hopes for summer, but feel the summer blues setting in on us – all the things we wish would have happened but didn’t. We want to encourage you! Join Deb and Krystle for Mom Tips ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Prepare for a Great School Year

Mama, God will help you and your family have a great school year! Even if last year was difficult due to learning glitches, friendships that were hard for your child, or teacher challenges, God can help your child soar! He ...

Meet the Team: An Interview with Deb and Jen Pierce

The Help Club for Moms is made up of a large team of volunteers who love Jesus and love moms. Each of our leaders has a unique story and life, and we would love for you to get to know ...

Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer to Embrace Wisdom

“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who acquires understanding, for she is more profitable than silver, and her gain is better than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire compares with her. Long ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: Three Easy Ways to Start Getting Ready for the School Year

School is starting soon! Let’s talk about three easy ideas to help you get your heart ready for a great school year! Click HERE to sign up for the NEW Help Club for Moms Mothering Kits! ...

Meet the Team: An Interview with Deb and Alma Aguilar

The Help Club for Moms is made up of a large team of volunteers who love Jesus and love moms. Each of our leaders has a unique story and life, and we would love for you to get to know ...

Mothering with Deb: The Beloved Mom- A Word of Encouragement for Your Day

Being a mom is hard! Here’s some encouragement for your day! “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: How to Enjoy the Rest of Summer and Plan Well for Fall

The summer is flying by, and school is just around the corner! One minute it was slow and fun, and now we have to think about what sports to sign our kids up for. It’s so exhausting! Join Krystle and ...

Meet the Team: An Interview with Deb and Amy Torrans

The Help Club for Moms is made up of a large team of volunteers who love Jesus and love moms. Each of our leaders has a unique story and life, and we would love for you to get to know ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Become a Wise Mom and Make Good Decisions

It is so hard to be a Christian mom in today’s world! There are so many things to be concerned about in our culture and so many decisions to make. It can feel overwhelming and paralyzing, BUT GOD! He can ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: Three Tips on How to Spend More Time With God This Summer

Do you find it difficult to spend time with God as a busy mom? We get it! As moms, we can often get bogged down in all the details of life and miss the soul-filling time with God that our ...

Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer to Help Me Enjoy My Children

“He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD.” Psalm 113:9 When my kids were growing up, I really wanted to enjoy my life, and I also wanted my kids to remember ...

Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer for Your Children

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13 My childhood was broken and filled with sadness, so when my children were little, I decided I would do ...

Meet the Team: An Interview with Deb and Tracey Barski

The Help Club for Moms is made up of a large team of volunteers who love Jesus and love moms. Each of our leaders has a unique story and life, and we would love for you to get to know ...

Mothering with Deb: Remember Your Calling as a Mom

Being a Mom is Hard. Here’s some encouragement for your day! “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: Tackling Mom Funks, Anxiety, and Depression

This week’s Mom Tips Tuesday features a powerful discussion with Krystle and Deb from our July Mothering Kits Special Topic: “Tackling Mom Funks, Anxiety & Depression.“ Let’s talk about the tricky subject of “mom blues” and tips for overcoming them ...

Meet the Team: An Interview with Deb and Kristall Willis

The Help Club for Moms is made up of a large team of volunteers who love Jesus and love moms. Each of our leaders has a unique story and life, and we would love for you to get to know ...

Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer for Your Husband

I’ve been married for almost twelve years now, and it’s so easy, especially in the throes of raising young kids, to forget to intentionally pray for my husband, but I know I need to. The kind of prayers I want ...

Worship With Help Club and Come to the Cross

We can carry many weights as mamas- our own shortcomings and failures, and also the ways others have hurt us.  Whatever the pain, loss, or betrayal, the cross is the meeting place where we find God’s answer for it all: ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: How to Be More Intentional in Your Home for Christ

Join us for mom tips Tuesday as we dove into being a more intentional mama and why it’s so important! We also give you a sneak peek into the Mothering Kit subscription for July! You’re not going to want to ...

Meet the Team: An Interview with Deb and Bek Measmer

The Help Club for Moms is made up of a large team of volunteers who love Jesus and love moms. Each one of our leaders has a unique story and life, and we would love for you to get to ...

Mom Tips Saturday: Practical Ideas to Help You Live a Great Life as a Mom

Hey Mama, Would you like an easy way to show your Mother-in-Law that you love her? Give her a call! Pick up the phone and simply call to say “Hello” and see how she is doing. Even if your relationship ...

Worship With Help Club and Find Refuge in God

Mama, have you found yourself facing a struggle, feeling stress and unrest? No matter what you’re facing in your circumstances or in your own heart, you can find refuge in God. God wants us to take our eyes off our ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: Three Tips to Connecting More with Your Kids This Summer

Mom, do you want a more meaningful connection with your kids this summer? Maybe your school year felt chaotic and rushed, and you long to connect with the heart of your child more. Join Deb and Krystle for Mom Tips ...

Mothering with Deb: Overcoming Spiritual Warfare in Your Family

Mama, the Bible says the enemy of you and your family comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He will do what he can to cause trouble and divide your family. It can all feel so discouraging but take heart, friend ...

Meet the Team: An Interview with Deb and Gabby Campbell

The Help Club for Moms is made up of a large team of volunteers who love Jesus and love moms. Each one of our leaders has a unique story and life, and we would love for you to get to ...

Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer for Peace

God gave me a picture in my mind before I had children of me sitting on the floor in a room with piles of laundry, toys strewn everywhere, and everything out of order. That picture is very much like what ...

Mothering with Deb: Summer with the Help Club Orientation

Join Deb to learn how to get the most out of the Help Club for Moms summer study. You will LOVE Summer at the Help Club! Click HERE for more information on the NEW Help Club for Moms Mothering Kits! Click HERE for more ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: How to Slow Down and Savor this Summer

Summer is here, and for many of us, it’s crazy busy already, and we feel overwhelmed. Take heart, mama. You can take control of your schedule and focus on what matters most this summer instead of being carried away with ...

Meet the Team: An Interview with Deb and Krystle Gray

The Help Club for Moms is made up of a large team of volunteers who love Jesus and love moms. Each one of our leaders has a unique story and life, and we would love for you to get to ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Run to the Name of Jesus

The name of Jesus is so much more than a title; the Bible tells us God’s name is a safe place for us.  Wow.  There is peace & security in knowing His name.  Come worship with Jen this week at ...

Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer to Understand Who We are in Christ

Friends, who are you letting speak into your life about who you truly are? Friends, family, yourself? God tells us in His Word who we are, and we can trust that this is the real truth of our identity! The ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: How to Unlock Your Husband’s Wisdom

Mama, your husband has wisdom that will bless your family! Let’s chat about the importance of encouraging your husband as he leads your family! ...

Mothering with Deb: Here’s What’s Happening This Summer at the Help Club

Hey Mama! Would you like to know how to participate in the Help Club for Moms Devotional Program this summer? Join me as I share about the books, resources, and the new schedule we have for you this summer. You ...

Worship with Jen and Be Held

Mama, do you ever feel you need someone to go to to just be held? Someone who provides a safe place, where you can trust that you will be taken care of, protected, and comforted.  Our God offers just such ...

Meet the Team: An Interview with Deb and Kelsey Stewart

The Help Club for Moms is made up of a large team of volunteers who love Jesus and love moms. Each one of our leaders has a unique story and life, and we would love for you to get to ...

Mom Tip Saturday

Hey Mamas! We are so happy to introduce our newest Help Club for Moms series, #MomTipSaturday! Each week, we will highlight a Mom Tip from one of our amazing summer books: The Wise Woman Enjoys, The Wise Woman Stays, and ...

Prayers for a Mother’s Day: A Prayer for Our Words

Dear one, the Bible says your tongue has the power of life and death. When you look up the word “life” in Strongs Concordance, one of the meanings is “reviving” (of the springtime.) Isn’t that beautiful? Your words can revive, ...

Deb’s Little Devo’s on the Podcast: God Are You a Morning Person?

Mama, God loves you so much! He is there for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week! He loves hearing your voice, and He never gets tired of you. Come to Him today! “For the eyes of the ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Know the Love of God

Mama, you can know the love of God! And it’s not something you work up, it is a work of His Spirit within you.  Join Jen for worship this week and  know the deep, high, and wide love of God ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: How to Have a More Peaceful Summer

Do you long for quieter days and more time to enjoy your children during the long summer days? We do, too. Join us today as we talk about six steps to a more peaceful home. Let’s learn, with God’s help, ...

Kacy’s Little Devos: God Cares for the Desires of Your Heart

Have you ever struggled with unfulfilled desires or wondered why God doesn’t answer your prayers? Let’s dig into God’s Word and see how much He cares for you and the things you care about. “Trust in the LORD, and do ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Find Time for God as a Busy Mom

Do you long to spend time with Jesus but barely have enough time to eat breakfast? This podcast is for you! Join Deb today for tips and ideas, and most of all, prayers to help you develop the life-changing habit ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Deb and Krystle: Planning a Lifegiving Summer

Come and listen as we encourage our hearts, entering into the summer season together, where our rhythms and routines change.  It’s important for us to take time to anticipate the change of pace and center our heart’s to hear from ...

Kacy’s Little Devos: Claim Your Ground!

There is always something you can do when you feel like you are out of options. Mama, if your heart is feeling discouraged or you’re battling with hopelessness, there is a powerful Truth for you today from God’s Word. Join ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Know the Lord

Mama, there is great peace in knowing the Lord! Wherever you are in your journey, you can know Him more, just like Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus (Ephesians 1:17). Join Jen for worship this week and know the ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Be Kept in His Peace

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3” Mama, we can easily be overwhelmed by the many things we carry as moms. But God promises to keep us in His ...

Mothering with Deb: Encouragement for Moms with Teens and Young Adults

Parenting teens and young adults can feel impossible in today’s culture, BUT GOD can help you guide your kids into adulthood and still maintain a close relationship. All things are possible with God, even raising up godly kids in a ...

Kacy’s Little Devos: The Greatest Gift of Motherhood

Mama, God’s Word gives you great perspective and will keep you encouraged and full of joy! Join Kacy for a little devo to help sweeten your Mother’s Day weekend! Want more encouragement, Mama? Go to, our NEW mentoring platform! ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Be Kept in His Peace

Mama, we can easily be overwhelmed by the many things we carry as moms. But God promises to keep us in His perfect peace as we fix our minds on Him! Join Jen for worship this week and be kept ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Enjoy Your Children

Mama, your thoughts direct your life, and they also affect whether or not you enjoy your children! Join Deb for this week’s Mothering Monday for ideas and encouragement on how to enjoy your children more and become the JOY-filled mom ...

Kacy’s Little Devos: The Simplest Way to Build Your Marriage

Mama, you don’t have to have it all figured out in marriage or in your relationship with God to grow. Try this one simple step, and let love flourish in your heart and home. Want more encouragement, Mama? Go to, our ...

Worship with Jen and Receive God’s Grace

As moms, we give continually, always extending ourselves to those we care for.  So what do you do when your soul feels weary, that you’ve given all you’ve got, and you’re running on empty? Mama, God has grace upon grace ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: Tips on How to Encourage Yourself and Your Family

Need encouragement, Mama? Join Deb for this week’s Mom Tips Tuesday and learn new ways to feel God’s presence and also how to build up your relationships with your husband and kids! Want more encouragement, Mama? Go to, our NEW mentoring ...

Deb’s Little Devos: Remembering Your Victories Helps You Win Your Battles

You have the authority in Christ to win your battles! Remembering your past victories is POWERFUL and will win the fight! Join Deb today for an encouraging word to help you move forward into all the Lord has called you ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle: How to Be a Better Friend & Combat Loneliness

Mom, do you long to have deeper, more meaningful friendships? Join Krystle today for Moms Tips Tuesday, as she gives you three tips to get more out of your friendships and for what to do if you find yourself in ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Take Back What the Enemy Has Stolen

The Bible says that we have an enemy who wants to steal, kill, and destroy what belongs to us; Satan is a thief and wants to take the ground that God has given us. Resist him, and he will flee ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Listen to the Lord

Mama, do you need a fresh word from the Lord? God has fresh words for you every day that are to be your spiritual life to live on. Join Jen for worship this week and listen for the Lord’s words ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Know His Joy Is Your Strength!

Mama, our hearts can be complicated territories! Sometimes we find ourselves in sadness when there’s an invitation from the Lord to enter into His joy.  Join Jen for worship this week and discover His joy is your strength! Nehemiah 8:10 ...

Mom Tips Tuesday: How to Help Your Kids to Love Going to Church

Going to church is an important part of the Christian home. It builds a strong community of believers around your family that helps your children to know God in a tangible way. Join Deb for encouragement and practical advice and ...

Sisterhood Monday with Kacy: Refresh Me!

Mama, you can be refreshed and stay refreshed in the Lord in every season of life! Join Kacy and your Help Club sisters for encouragement and ideas to help you stay refreshed and full of life, no matter your circumstances ...

Special Podcast Episode: What is Help Club for Moms?

So, what exactly is Help Club for Moms? And how can you be a part of the Club? We thought you’d never ask! Come listen today as we talk about how we got started, the great resources available to you ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: How to Establish a Lifegiving Routine in Your Home

Hey friends! Are you looking for ways to create a more joyful and peaceful atmosphere in your home?  Join Deb for encouragement and ideas on how to establish a life-giving routine that will cultivate a happy life and bring you ...

Worship with Jen: Communion with Jesus

Friend, do you need rest and peace in your heart? Jesus invites us to come closer than we would have ever thought possible through His sacrifice for us. He doesn’t just want us to know about Him; He invites us ...

Good Friday Special Podcast: Jesus Didn’t Stay Dead

 Mama, have you heard the Good News about Good Friday? Jesus loves you so much, and there is so much hope for you and your family! Join Kacy for this week’s Friday Special and be encouraged, knowing that the God ...

Worship With Jen and Give Your Requests to God

Mama, are there things on your heart and mind troubling you? Worship is a wonderful place to turn worries into requests.  In Psalm 5, King David shows us we can lay our requests down and wait expectantly for God to ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: Have a More Christ-Centered Easter

Mom, do you need some meaningful ways to celebrate Easter this year? This Mom Tips Tuesday, we are sharing three ways you can have a more Christ-centered Easter and make the message of the Cross relevant to your kids of ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Celebrate Holy Week with Your Family

Mama, do you need ideas for sharing Christ with your kids this Easter Season? It’s easier than you think and so powerful to teach your kids what Jesus did in the days leading up to His resurrection. Join Deb for ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: The Importance of Building Your Children Up

Mama, your child needs to know that they are deeply loved, accepted, and appreciated. Now more than ever, the home must be a place of safety and love. The world wants our kids to feel confused and depressed, but your ...

Mothering Monday with Deb and Dedra: Encouragement for Bonus Moms

Bonus Mama, be encouraged! You are so important! As a bonus mom, you have a God-given calling to make an enormous difference in the lives of your stepchildren. Join Deb and Dedra on this week’s Mothering Monday for practical help ...

Friday Special: Presenting- The NEW Help Club for Moms Mothering Kits!

We can’t believe we are finally launching the new Help Club for Moms Mothering Kits! We have been praying & prepping, and now we are SO EXCITED to release them! Join Krystle here on the podcast as she shares about ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Deb: Stay the Course, Even When It’s Hard

Mama, God will call you to do hard things in your life, and it is essential that you stay focused on God to accomplish what He has called you to do. Remembering past victories is one way you can keep ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Let God Teach You

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”~Psalm 32:8 Do you ever feel unsure what to do or what direction to take? Your Father in ...

Special Podcast: Struggling with Yelling with Kristall Willis

Do you struggle with yelling at your kids, Mama? Sometimes it’s just so hard to be a mom. Join Kristall on this week’s Friday special for an honest look at yelling from a fellow struggler. *This video is one of ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Deb: When You are Going Through a Hard Season

Jesus loves you, dear one. You have nothing to lose, nothing to prove, nothing to gain, and nothing to fear.  Join Deb for encouragement in the hard seasons. We are praying for you! Click HERE to listen to “I Am Your Beloved” ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: Speaking Words of Life to Your Family is Powerful

Do you feel like you are in a place of negative thought patterns that won’t seem to subside? Sometimes the enemy finds his way in and creeps into all the spaces we so desperately try to keep him out of! ...

Mothering with Deb and Jennifer: Parenting Children with Unique Abilities

Moms of kids with unique abilities, be encouraged! God sees you and will help you in your journey as a mom with a special needs child. Join Deb and her special guest, Jennifer Ortiz-Correa, for a look inside the beautiful ...

Warmth in Marriage

Friday Special Podcast: “Warmth in Your Marriage” Join Krystle Porter share tips on how to facilitate a closer bond in your marriage. *This video is one of the many FREE videos available when you buy the Help Club for Moms ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Receive Forgiveness

“Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.’ And you forgave the guilt of my sin.” Psalm 32:5 It’s hard to find rest in ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Adam: Tips on Accepting Shortcomings in Marriage

Join Adam and Krystle as they talk through learning to accept one another’s limitations in marriage. We know this can be a really difficult concept to implement in harsher seasons of our relationship with our spouse. As we learn to ...

Mothering with Deb: The Best Marriage Tip Ever

Hello Dear Mamas! It’s Deb! My husband Randy and I were on a little getaway last week to celebrate our 32nd anniversary, and we both agree there is one tip that God has taught us that has helped us more ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Be Restored

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.”~Psalm 23:1-2 Mama, is your soul weary? You have a Shepherd in ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle Porter

Do you feel like it’s hard to like or love your husband sometimes because of built-up problems in your marriage? Join us for our “Mom Tips” this week as we dive into this topic. We know that marriage can be ...

Special Podcast: Becoming a Student of Your Man

Do you remember when you first met your husband?  You took inventory of what he liked and spent time doing those things. We all change over time, so it’s time to be a student of your man all over again! ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: The Help Club for Moms Book Week 2

Join us this week for “Mom Tips Tuesday” as we talk about how to make more space for prayer in your life and also how to help your kids cultivate their own prayer lives too! Be sure to listen to ...

Mothering with Deb: Fearless Motherhood with Amanda Florczykowski

The thought of raising children in today’s world can be really scary, but the INCREDIBLE God of the universe has called us to live without fear and to trust Him. He will give you everything you need to live your ...

Mothering with Deb: Cultivating a Healthy Soul

How is your soul? What is a soul, anyway? Down in the deepest part of you lies your soul. It has needs just like your body does, and when it gets hungry, it can begin to crave things that are ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club: Seek Him and Find Him

Mama, how’s your heart? Are there areas that feel unsettled, lacking peace? Be encouraged. Our Father is able to root and ground us in Him! Sometimes we encounter this simply by opening our hearts to receive, and sometimes the Father ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: Keys to a Deeper and Sweeter Prayer Life

It is week one of diving into our Help Club for Moms book and Companion Guide! This week for Mom Tips Tuesday, we are chatting about cultivating your spirit! We guide you through steps and actions to take to have ...

Have a Talk with God Podcast

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:3 Hear why it’s so important to spend some time with your Heavenly Father today with the Help Club ...

Special Podcast- Mothering with Deb: How to Enjoy Your Husband

Dear Mama, Do you long to grow closer to your husband? Do you find your marriage growing stale and in need of revival? Perhaps you desire more intentionality as a wife? Join Deb on this week’s Mothering Monday to discover ...

Enjoying Motherhood in the Midst of Discouragement & Weariness with Krystle and Krystle

Join us for a beautiful and uplifting discussion time in learning to refuel, restore, and gain a Christ-centered perspective for more JOY in your mothering. Motherhood can feel heavy and joyless at times, especially in difficult seasons, but there is HOPE for you, ...

Enjoying Motherhood in the Midst of Normal

Join Krystle, and her daughters Ellie and Claire,  for a small window into daily life as an ordinary mom.  Be encouraged to see through the lens of the truths of Scripture what God says about seeing your children as true ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Enjoy Motherhood

Need ideas and encouragement on how to enjoy your children more? Join Deb for this week’s Mothering Monday and learn some easy ways to help you become the JOY-filled mom you’ve always wanted to be! ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Give God Glory this Christmas

“The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.”~Luke 2:20 Description: Shepherds? How unusual that God chose to send angels to a group of lowly ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club and Know the Prince of Peace

“And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.” ~Isaiah 9:6,7 At Christmas time each year, we hear about “the Prince of ...

Mothering with Deb: Whose Birthday are We Really Celebrating this Christmas?

It’s so easy to forget that it’s not our birthday when we celebrate Christmas; it’s Jesus’ birthday. How would our Savior want us to spend His special day? Join Deb on this week’s Mothering Monday for encouragement and ideas to ...

Worship With Jen at Help Club: Find Your Joy in the Lord

“Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him.” Psalm 33:1 Mama, do you need joy this holiday season? There are so many reasons to take joy in the Lord, and singing to ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb- Christmas Week 4

Krystle and Deb are back together for more tips this week! Join this dynamic duo as they chat and pray about making Christmas more relaxing and fun, the value of being a woman of discretion, and taking the stress out ...

Mothering with Deb: Encouragement and Prayers for Less Stress this Christmas

Join Deb for a few quick ideas and a time of prayer to help you to finish strong and have a great Christmas with less stress! “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb: Christmas Week 3

We are getting closer to Christmas, and it feels a bit crazy! Let’s chat about how to have more joy and a wonderful Christmas with your family on this week’s Mom Tips Tuesday. Join Krystle for encouragement and practical ideas ...

Worship with Jen at Help Club: Let Your Soul Find Rest

“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” ~ Matthew 11:28 Mama, during this busy season of parties, outings, and Christmas traditions take time to stop and enjoy blissful moments of ...

Special Podcast Episode: How to Have a Great Christmas with Your Extended Family

Does the thought of spending time with your parents, in-laws, or siblings over the holidays cause you stress?  Join Deb this week for tips on how to have less stress and more fun and closer relationships with those you call ...

Special Podcast Episode: How to Keep Christ in Christmas with Jackie and Linda

Are you feeling exhausted this Christmas season? Press pause on the busyness and join Jackie and Linda for encouragement and ideas to help you remember the reason for the season, Jesus, the Prince of Peace. As you focus on Him, ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Disciple Your Kids at Christmas

Mama, Christmas is the perfect time to share your love for our Savior with your kids! Join Deb as she shares the “Children’s Advent House” and other discipleship tools to help you keep Christ at the center of your Christmas! ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Deb and Tracey: Christmas Week One

Need more ideas to help have a great Christmas season? Join Deb and Tracey for this week’s Mom Tips Tuesday to help you have the best Christmas ever!! Ps- Real mommy recording alert!! Tracey’s hubby was sick so we had ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Adam and Krystle: Tips for a Great Holiday Week!

Need encouragement to help make your Thanksgiving fun and relaxing? Join Krystle and a very special guest, her husband Adam, for this week’s Mom Tips Tuesday! You will LOVE it! ...

Teaching Session Seven: Great Tips to Help You Get Ready for Christmas Right Now

Need help planning your Christmas, Mama? Join Deb and Melissa for great ideas to help you plan your Christmas season while keeping your priorities in order. We love you mama, and we are praying for you to have a great ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb Week- Week 10 Serving

Need more ideas to help create the Christian marriage, relationship with your kids, and home you’ve always wanted? Join Krystle and Deb this week for the next episode of Mom Tips Tuesday and receive biblical encouragement and fresh tips to ...

Special Episode: Toddlers, Tantrums, and Mommy Shame

Mama, do your toddler’s tantrums make you want to throw a tantrum too? We totally get it! It can be challenging to parent a toddler especially when you have more than one child. Join Deb with her special guests, Amanda ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb- Week 10 Hearing God

Need more ideas to help create the Christian marriage, relationship with your kids, and home you’ve always wanted? Join Krystle and Deb this week for the next episode of Mom Tips Tuesday and receive biblical encouragement and fresh tips to ...

Mothering with Deb: Powerful Prayers for Busy Moms

Mama, God loves it when you pray short prayers just as much as He loves it when you pray long ones. Your short, quick prayers are powerful and will change things for you and your family.  Join Deb for some ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb- Week 9 Hearing God

Need more ideas to help create the Christian marriage, relationship with your kids, and home you’ve always wanted? Join Krystle and Deb this week for the next episode of Mom Tips Tuesday and receive biblical encouragement and fresh tips to ...

Mothering Monday: Standing Strong in the Face of Fear and Adversity

Friends, it is so important to stand strong in your faith no matter what is going on in the world! Your kids will always remember you for it! Sean Feucht and the “Let Us Worship” team stood strong during the ...

Worship With Jen at the Help Club and Rest in His Unfailing Love

Sister, do you ever feel weary or unsure in navigating your path in life and the many decisions to be made? There are so many opinions, options, and possible voices to listen to.  But did you know your heavenly Father ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb- Week 8 Worship

Need more ideas to help create the Christian marriage, relationship with your kids, and home you’ve always wanted? Join Krystle and Deb this week for the next episode of Mom Tips Tuesday and receive biblical encouragement and fresh tips to ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb- Week 7 Worship

Need more ideas to help create the Christian marriage, relationship with your kids, and home you’ve always wanted? Join Krystle and Deb this week for the next episode of Mom Tips Tuesday and receive biblical encouragement and fresh tips to ...

Mothering with Deb: Easy Ways to Build a Close Family- Part 2

Do you long for a close family? I know how you feel Mama. I remember how hopeless and sad I would feel at times when my kids fussed are argued with each other or there was stress in my home ...

A Little Encouragement for Your Day From Deb

Join Deb for a quick update about what’s available to help you on your mothering journey at Help Club and also a little encouragement for all of you hard-working mamas! You are doing a GREAT job! Click HERE to subscribe to our ...

Worship with Help Club and Renew Your Strength

Mama, did you know there is NEW strength available for you? The Bible says we “go from strength to strength” when we set our hearts on a journey towards God.  Join Jen for worship and renew your strength in the ...

Mothering with Deb: Easy Ways to Build a Close Family- Part 1

Do you feel like it’s hard to build a close family? Sibling fusses, marriage squabbles, and stress can all make it feel impossible to build the close family that you’ve always wanted. But God will help you! Join us for ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb- Week 6 Obedience

Need more ideas to help create the Christian marriage, relationship with your kids, and home you’ve always wanted? Join Krystle and Deb this week for the next episode of Mom Tips Tuesday and receive biblical encouragement and fresh tips to ...

Special Podcast Episode: Impacting Culture with Your God-Given Talent

Never underestimate the power of inviting God into your calling. You could change the face of this next generation as you walk in your giftings with Him! Today, Deb interviews author Tracey Barski about how she wrote a book with ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb- Week 5 Obedience

Need more ideas to help create the Christian marriage, relationship with your kids, and home you’ve always wanted? Join Krystle and Deb this week for the next episode of Mom Tips Tuesday and receive biblical encouragement and fresh tips to ...

Worship with Jen at the Help Club and Find Hope!

Did you know when you worship you’re calling on the same God who delivered His people from 400 years of slavery?  That is the power of our God! You can know when you call on Him, He will work in ...

Mothering with Deb: Overcoming Spiritual Warfare

The Bible says our war is not against people, but against the rulers, authorities, and powers of darkness in the spiritual realm, and as a mom, you are definitely facing opposition from the enemy just because you want to create ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb- Week 4 Holy Spirit

Need more ideas to help create the Christian marriage, relationship with your kids, and home you’ve always wanted? Join Krystle and Deb this week for the next episode of Mom Tips Tuesday and receive biblical encouragement and fresh tips to ...

Overcomers: Supernatural Relocation from Australia to the US with Linda and Jackie

Join Linda Stepenbacker for a new series on the Help Club for Moms Podcast sharing powerful testimonies from other Christian moms who have experienced supernatural help and strength from God. Today, Jackie Davis shares her testimony of the supernatural words, ...

Worship with Jen at the Help Club and Find Vision

Mama, do you feel overwhelmed, like things aren’t quite lining up? When we worship the Lord, other areas of our lives start to fall into place! “Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb- Week 3

Need more ideas to help create the Christian marriage, relationship with your kids, and home you’ve always wanted? Join Krystle and Deb this week for the next episode of Mom Tips Tuesday and receive biblical encouragement and fresh tips to ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Plan a Lifegiving Routine in Your Home

Want to build a happy and peaceful home that you and your family will be proud of? You can do it, Mama! Join Deb for tips and ideas to help you create a home atmosphere your family will LOVE! Watch ...

Mom Tips Tuesday with Krystle and Deb- Week 2

Need more ideas to help create the Christian marriage, relationship with your kids, and home you’ve always wanted? Join Krystle and Deb this week for the next episode of Mom Tips Tuesday and receive biblical encouragement and fresh tips to ...

Mothering with Deb: Don’t Give Away Your Power!

Mama, the enemy of your soul wants to make your life so stressful and steal your joy so that you get discouraged and also succumb to any sickness that’s going around. Don’t let him win! There are things you can ...

Mothering with Deb: Easy Ways to Feel God’s Love

Do you struggle to feel the love of God? The truth is, we all do, especially when we are going through a hard season. There are times in our lives when we can feel like God is nowhere to be ...

Overcomers: Supernatural Provision When There Just Isn’t Enough

How can you trust God when you are not sure there will be enough? Join Linda Stepenbacker for a new series on the Help Club for Moms Podcast sharing powerful testimonies from other Christian moms who have experienced supernatural help ...

Special Podcast Episode: Finding Your Direction as a Mom in this Season

Are you struggling to find purpose in this season of your life as a mom? Do you need more direction? Join Jackie, Linda, and Virginia for encouragement and help to get you on track! ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Make a Prayer Binder

Mama, your prayers move mountains and achieve unusual results! Let’s talk about an easy way to organize your prayers so you can pray big prayers for yourself and your family! Click HERE to watch the video. Click HERE for the ...

Mothering with Deb: Courage in the Face of Adversity

Mama, God wants you to have COURAGE, even when you are anxious and afraid! He will help you become a STRONG and COURAGEOUS Mom, filled with FAITH to raise your kids up in today’s world! ...

Mothering with Deb: Become a Stronger Mom

Mama, your children need you to be a strong and confident mom and God will help you become stronger! Think about the generations affected when you walk strong with God in this hour! You can do it! ...

Special Episode: How to Have the 2022/2023 Best School Year Ever

Are you feeling stressed about this next school year? Would you like to send your kids off to school or college with power and a special memory? Join Krystle for encouragement and ideas to help you make the most out ...

Mothering with Deb: Easy Ways to Connect with Your Kids

 Mama, your kids want you to be their best friend! They love you so much and you mean the world to them! Let’s talk about easy ways to connect with your children and also ways to encourage your mama heart ...

Mothering with Deb: God has Divine Wisdom and Solutions for ALL of Your Needs!

God has divine ideas, divine solutions, divine creativity, divine provision, divine strategies, and MORE all available for you today!! Join Deb as she unpacks this powerful topic today! ...

Special Podcast Episode: What to do When You Feel Lost as a Mom

Do you ever feel lost and like you don’t know what you are doing as a mom? Do you worry about messing up your kids? Sister, Jesus is with you and will help you every step of the way!  Join ...

Special Podcast: Practical Ways to Help Your Kids to Love Going to Church

Does the possibility of your children not going to church as adults scare you? It doesn’t have to be this way! Remember Mama, with God ALL things are possible! Join Ashley McClain and Deb Weakly on the “What If” podcast ...

Special Episode: What to Do When You Keep Losing It

Are you on your last straw? Losing it with your kids more than you would like to admit? Today, we are talking about the Lord’s MIGHT and how He offers it to us through His Holy Spirit! If you are ...

Special Episode: Regaining the JOY of Motherhood

🌸Sweet Mama, We all know motherhood is supposed to be this amazing journey of joy, right? Let’s be honest, there are many days it does not feel that way at all! Truthfully, motherhood can be very difficult and challenging at ...

Mothering with Deb: Easy Ways to Be a More JOY-filled Mom

Mama, God has a JOY-filled life in store for you and will help you to create a home and family filled with JOY.  Let’s talk about this important topic today on the Help Club for Moms Podcast!  Remember, your JOY blesses ...

It’s Orientation Day for the 40-Day Joy Challenge for Moms!

Need more JOY, Mama? Join the Help Club for Moms this summer for the 40-Day Joy Challenge for Moms program! It WILL change your life!! You may also watch the video on Facebook HERE! Click HERE for more information on ...

There is Joy in the Waiting

“But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.”~ ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭5:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬ There is Joy in the ...

Mothering with Deb: Living for an Audience of One

Do you struggle with people-pleasing? Is it hard for you when your kids misbehave in public or with your friends? I have been there, Mama, and I can tell you that being worried about what people think about you or ...

Special Episode: Encouragement for Weary Moms with Gretchen Rodriguez

Are you weary, Mama? God sees you, dear one. You are very important to Him and He cares about every detail of your life. Join Deb with special guest, Gretchen Rodriguez for a life-giving podcast, especially for the weary mom ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Read Aloud to Your Kids

Hey Mamas! Want a fun summer activity to do with your kids that will foster closeness for your family AND keep them off the screens? Read aloud to your kids! Summer is the perfect time to read aloud to your ...

Mothering with Deb: Encouragement and Plannng for Moms of Teens and Pre-Teens

Join Deb for practical help on how to plan a great summer with your teens and also what to do when you are having challenges with one of your kids! You won’t want to miss this! “But seek first his ...

Summer Updates with Deb and Rae-Ellen

Hey Mamas!! Rae-Ellen and I are in Dallas, Texas planning a JOY-FILLED summer here at Help Club for Moms! We decided to do a quick little podcast to help keep everyone up to date on what’s coming in May and ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Plan a GREAT Summer for Your Kids

Wondering what on earth to do with your kids this summer? Join me for GREAT tips and encouragement to help make this summer the BEST one yet!! ...

Good Friday with Pastor Andrew Arndt

What Makes Good Friday Good? Hello Mamas! Welcome to Good Friday! Isn’t it odd how we call the worst thing that ever happened on planet earth “good”? As in, “Good Friday”? What is it that makes the death of the ...

Maundy Thursday with Pastor Andrew Arndt

Humble Love Conquers the World! Happy Maundy Thursday! You are not going to want to miss Pastor Andrew Arndt as he chats about what Jesus was doing on this powerful day of Holy Week! Here’s the scoop on the video: ...

Holy Wednesday with Pastor Daniel Grothe

The Fight for Holy Wednesday! On Holy Wednesday some two thousand years ago, two very opposite but equally costly acts took place. A woman named Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with precious and costly oil, which we’re told is “worth a ...

Holy Tuesday with Pastor Brad Baker

Are you ready to learn more about Holy Week? Join Pastor Brad Baker as he takes us on an insightful journey retracing the steps of Jesus on Tuesday of Holy Week! You will LOVE this!! Click this link to follow ...

Holy Monday with Dr. Michelle Anthony

Hey Mamas! Would you like to go deeper into your Holy Week? Join Dr. Michelle Anthony as she unpacks what Jesus was doing on Holy Monday!  There’s is so much to learn about this day!! Click HERE to check out Pastor Michelle’s ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Focus More on Jesus During Holy Week

Oh, Mamas, It is so good to take a few moments each day this week to focus on what Jesus was doing during the last few days before He went to the cross. This week at Help Club, we will ...

Encouragement for Moms with Susan Alexander Yates

Need encouragement Mama? Join seasoned mom, Deb Weakly with her special guest, Susan Alexander Yates to help you stay focused on your calling as a mom! You can connect with Susan at Click HERE to watch the video! ...

Effective Communication with Your Teens

Mama, your teenagers love you so much! You are their hero and their safe place, whether they act like it or not. Join Rachel and Deb as they share easy ways to help you talk with your teens in a ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Get More Done Each Day

Feeling overwhelmed with your to-do list, Mama? There is hope! Join Deb for encouragement and practical ideas now on this week’s Mothering Monday! Click HERE to print out the Help Club for Moms Weekly Plan Sheet ...

Mothering with Deb: Do Not Be Troubled or Afraid

Dearest Mama, There is so much going on in our world right now that can make us feel afraid. Things like food shortages, rumors of war, and pandemics can cause us moms to feel really scared. But there is good ...

Mothering with Deb: Avoid Strife at All Costs

Mama, fussing and fighting causes problems in your home but peace in your home brings an anointing from Him. Becoming a peacemaker with those you love can bring blessings beyond compare. Let’s talk about this today on this week’s Mothering ...

Experiencing Jesus with Ben Dianda: Meditate on the Word and Radically Change Your Life

Friend, did you know you can experience more and more of Jesus every day of your life?! The door of access is always open! Let’s talk about this POWERFUL TOPIC with Ben Dianda of Magnify Ministries! We even have a ...

Mothering with Deb: Is Anything Too Hard for God?

Does your marriage need help? Are your kids acting out and you don’t know what to do? Are your finances in a mess and do you feel trapped? Today’s video is for you!! Ladies, NOTHING is too hard for God!! ...

Mothering with Deb: How to Find Time for God as a Busy Mom

Do you long to spend time with Jesus but barely have enough time to eat breakfast? This video is for you! Join Deb today for tips and ideas, and most of all, prayers, to help you develop the life-changing habit ...

Sisterhood Monday: Spirit-Led Parenting

Let’s chat about what Spirit-Led Parenting looks like for you as a mom and how you can harness His strength ...

Marriage Tips with Randy and Deb #4: Date Night Dreaming

Want an easy way to connect with your spouse? Have fun and dream with your spouse!! Join Randy and Deb for encouragement and practical ideas to help you and your spouse go deeper in your relationship with each other by ...

Marriage Tips with Randy and Deb #3: The POWER of Praying with Your Spouse

Want a breakthrough in your life, friend? Prayer is the answer! Your prayers move heaven and achieve unusual results! Join Randy and Deb for encouragement,  practical prayers, and incredible Scriptures to help you and your spouse pray POWERFUL prayers for ...

Mothering with Deb: Raising Daniels in Today’s World

NEW Podcast- “Mothering with Deb: Raising Daniel’s in Today’s World.”  Are you worried about how on earth you can raise up Christian kids who love the Lord and live by Christian principles in such a broken world, as we live ...

Flashback Friday: Diets Don’t Work. There’s a Different Way!

Here’s an oldie but a goodie all about taking care of your body- God’s way! You will love this! Mama, are you having trouble sticking to healthy living goals to lose weight and take care of yourself? You are not ...

Marriage Tips with Randy and Deb #2: Cultivating a GREAT Friendship with Your Spouse

We are super excited to share the next episode in our marriage series: “How to Cultivate a Great Friendship with Your Spouse.” Join Deb and Randy for encouraging tips to help you and your spouse become best friends! Gather your ...

Mothering Monday: How to Pray for Your Husband

Mama, your prayers move heaven and achieve unusual results! Join Deb today on this week’s “Mothering Monday” for motherly advice on how to pray POWERFUL prayers for your man! “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” ...

Marriage Tips with Randy and Deb #1: Loving Your Spouse with Your Thoughts

🙌You guys!! I finally talked my introverted hubby, Randy, into doing a few marriage podcasts with me! We used to lead engaged and newlywed groups for 10 years but haven’t taught in a while, and we have missed it!   ...

Hearing God’s Voice Episode Five: Hearing God to Make an Impact

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10 Mama, did you know there are certain works God designed for YOU, specifically, to do? It’s ...

Hearing God Episode Four: Hearing God For Your Kids

“God…gives life to the dead and speaks of things that don’t yet exist as if they are real.” Romans 4:17 ERV My kids never quite fit into any mold. As a matter of fact, I had the ones (particularly one) that would ...

Hearing God Episode Three: Hearing God For Your Husband

“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63 (Emphasis Mine) If you can hear the voice of God for yourself, you can ...

Hearing God’s Voice Episode Two: Knowing God So We Can Hear His Voice

“For God did not send His son to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved”  John 3:17 Sweet Friend, do you want to be able to discern God’s voice from your emotions or the voice ...

Hearing God’s Voice Episode One: You Can Hear God’s Voice

Hello Mamas! We are so excited to share our Podcast Series for Monday-Friday this week: “You Can Hear God’s Voice.” You will love this! All week long, we will be sharing different ways you can learn to hear God’s voice ...

Special Episode: How to Create a Vision Board

Click HERE to listen to this episode on the Help Club for Moms Podcast! Vision is a powerful tool to propel you towards all that God has for you.  However, it is not just enough to have moments of vision ...

Special Episode: Clean and Simple Living with Deb and Bridget

Hey Mamas! Need some inspiration to help you get your New Year off to a GREAT start? Check out our newest podcast episode with Deb and Bridget of “Clean and Simple Bridget” for practical help and sisterly advice to jump-start ...

Special Episode: Freedom From Regret on the ‘What If?” Video Podcast

Do you struggle with regret over past parenting mistakes, Mama? Truth be told, we all do! It doesn’t have to be this way! Join us for a special episode of the Christian Television Network’s “What If” video podcast with host ...

Special Podcast Episode: God is All Wrapped Up in Us This Christmas!

Friend, are you feeling discouraged this Christmas…feeling distant from God and maybe even doubting His love for you? Come be encouraged today as we unwrap the gift of Jesus and how He *really* feels about you and me! You don’t ...

Respect: One of Your Man’s Greatest Needs

How do men spell love? R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Yes, ladies, the way to your man’s heart is through the doorway of respect! Join Ashley McClain and Deb Weakly on the “What If” video podcast! You won’t want to miss this!! ...

Hearing God this Christmas as a Family

 “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27 NKJV Hi, my name is Jackie, and I would love to introduce you to a fun holiday tradition to help you and your family learn ...

Mentoring with Deb Resources: How to Plan a GREAT Christmas Season

Let the Christmas season begin! Need new ideas to help you have the BEST Christmas ever? Join Deb for some GREAT ideas to help you begin this Christmas season strong and filled with purpose! Click HERE to watch the video ...

Mentoring with Deb: Practical Ways to Help Your Kids Love Going to Church

Research has shown that Christian adult children are leaving the church in droves. It doesn’t have to be this way! There are things we can do as moms when our children are growing up to help them LOVE church and ...

NEW Podcast: Growing a Home Filled with JOY!

Need more JOY in your home, Mama? Join Deb and her special guest, Dan Warlow for fun and meaningful ideas to help you create a JOY-filled life and home for your family! You will not want to miss this!! Click ...

Special Podcast Episode: Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

Do not be afraid Mama! God is with you and your family and will help you overcome whatever fears you may be dealing with right now. Join Linda, Virginia, and me for an encouraging podcast to help you lean into ...

Encountering Jesus with Deb and Linda

POWERFUL Podcast: “Experiencing Jesus” Learning how to connect with Jesus changes everything! Join Deb and Linda for practical advice to help you learn to sense the presence of the Lord in your everyday life. He is with you, friend! Click ...

Special Podcast: “Prayers to Help with the Struggles of Life”

We all have difficult areas of our lives where we feel the Lord is not answering our prayers. To say it is hard to keep trusting God with unanswered prayer is an understatement. It really is just plain hard. So ...

Special Podcast Episode: Just Climb the Stairs with Jesus!

 Is Jesus calling you to go higher with Him? Don’t let anything hold you back! New Podcast Episode: “Just Climb the Stairs with Jesus!” “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, ...

Mom Tips Monday with Deb

Hey Mamas!! Need encouragement for yourself, your marriage, your kids, and your home? Join Deb for a new series of mentoring videos to help you thrive in your role as a woman of God, wife, mama, and home-maker! “The wise ...

“Thou Shalt Not Envy”… But You Can Ask God for More!

Don’t get caught in the trap of comparison. Ask God to bless you and your family instead! Our AMAZING God is the God of unlimited supply. He has more good things in store for you than you could ever imagine! ...

NEW Podcast Episode: “Friends Don’t Let Friends Be Deceived.”

Oh, friends! How quickly we can be deceived & tricked by lies the enemy would LOVE for us to believe. At Help Club for Moms, we believe that “friends don’t let friends be deceived”! We need to help each other ...

NEW Podcast: Covering Our Children in Prayer

Hey Mamas! This week on the podcast, we have a very SPECIAL guest, Sally Burke, President of Moms in Prayer International! Join Deb and Sally for a powerful episode all about “Covering our Children in Prayer! You won’t want to ...

Powerful Prayers for Moms: Prayers to Pray for Your Home

We are excited to share our next prayer podcast episode: “Powerful Prayers to Pray for Your Home” Praying over your home is POWERFUL! It’s your platform for your ministry with your family and it is so important to pray over ...

Prayers on the Podcast- Powerful Prayers to Pray for Your Husband

We are excited to share our next prayer podcast episode: “Powerful Prayers to Pray for Your Husband” Mama, no one will pray for your man like you will! He NEEDS your prayers! Join Deb for insightful and encouraging prayers from ...

Powerful Prayers for Moms: Prayers to Pray for Your Children

Hey Mamas! Need more ideas to pray for yourself, your husband, and your kids? Join the Help Club this week on our podcast as we share powerful prayer ideas to help you learn new ways to pray for the most ...

Powerful Prayers on the Podcast This Week For Your Whole Family!

Hey Mamas! Need more ideas to pray for yourself, your husband, and your kids? Join the Help Club this week on our podcast as we share powerful prayer ideas to help you learn new ways to pray for the most ...

Powerful Prayers for Moms: Prayers to Pray for Yourself

Hey Mamas! Need more ideas to pray for yourself, your husband, and your kids? Join the Help Club this week on our podcast as we share powerful prayer ideas to help you learn new ways to pray for the most ...

Mentoring with Deb: Cultivating a Healthy Soul

How is your soul? What is a soul, anyway? Down in the deepest part of you lies your soul. It has needs just like your body does, and when it gets hungry, it can begin to crave things that are ...

Enjoying Your Teens

Mama, no matter what other well-meaning critics of the teen years may say, the time between ages 13 and 18 doesn’t have to be stressful and draining. It is possible to enjoy your life with teenagers in the home! Let’s ...

NEW Podcast- Effective Communication with Your Teens

We have a NEW podcast! This one is for the moms of tweens and teens!! Mama, your teenagers love you so much! You are their hero and their safe place, whether they act like it or not. Let’s talk about ...

Special Podcast Episode: Jesus Care- Not Self Care

Does your self-care routine still leave you still wanting more? How about inviting Jesus into your rejuvenation time for lasting peace? He is the One who can help you feel more joyful and ready to be a mom again. Let’s ...

How to Pray for Your Kids

Mama, your prayers move heaven and achieve unusual results in your children’s lives!! Join Deb for practical ideas and inspiration on how to pray for your kids on this week’s Mentoring video! Click this link to watch the video! Click ...

NEW Podcast: Mothering Babies

We have a special treat for our moms with new babies! Whether it’s your 1st, 2nd, or 5th baby, today’s podcast is for you! Join Deb, Kayla, and Jamie for encouragement and advice from seasoned moms of many little ones ...

Walking By Faith in the Dark

NEW PODCAST! Conversations with Deb and Mari Jo: Walking by Faith in the Dark Living in today’s world can cause us to feel anxious and discouraged. Everywhere we look, we see brokenness all around us. But we have Good News: ...

The Courage to Stay Committed

It’s so easy to give up on our calling and our commitments as women, wives, and mothers, but God wants us to keep going and never give up. We need to keep going with an iron will, just like Jesus ...

Help Club for Dads: Chasing Wisdom with Daniel Grothe

We are super excited to welcome Pastor Daniel Grothe onto the Help Club for Dads Podcast! You will feel so blessed as you listen to Daniel and Alex talk about chasing godly wisdom and becoming wise Dads who seek out ...

Mentoring with Deb: Overcoming Spiritual Warfare

The Bible says we have an enemy who prowls around looking for someone to devour. He wants to steal from you and hijack the plans of the Lord in your life. Let’s talk about how to resist him on this ...

Healing From Trauma and Triggers

Trauma and triggers can steal our joy right out from under us. Triggers seem to come out of nowhere and can set us back for days. Memories from past traumatic experiences cause us to act in ways we would not ...

Mentoring with Deb: Don’t Stop Praying!

Friend, God hears every one of your prayers and will answer. Don’t give up praying!! Join Deb for prayers and encouragement to help you keep going and keep standing in prayer! Click this link to watch the video! Click this ...

The Help Club for Moms Devotions on our Podcast

Hey Mama! We know you are super busy with everything you do with your family, so the Help Club has made all of our devotionals available on our podcast! Click this link to listen! ...

Help Club for Dads Podcast

This one’s for all the Dads out there! It’s an oldie but a goodie from 2021. It’s SO GOOD we wanted to share it again! Help Club for Dads Podcast: Where Fathers Strive to be Like Our Heavenly Father. Today ...

Mentoring with Deb: The Need to Protect Our Children

Moms, we know the evil in this world can feel overwhelming right now. How can we protect our kids from evil and guard their innocence? Join Deb for insight and practical advice for preserving the beauty of childhood and protecting ...

Powerful Prayers for 2021- Part Two

We are talking about Jesus’ great love today. He loves each one of us so much and so intimately! Join Deb and Linda as they share personal stories of Jesus’ love for them and talk about how each one of ...

Powerful Prayers for 2021 – Part One

As we start off 2021, we here at Help Club want to change. We want to know God better, to grow in our individual relationships with Him, and we just want MORE – more of Him in our lives, more ...

What to Do When You Keep Losing It

Being a mom is sometimes really, really hard. If we were being honest, most of us would say that we have lost it with our kids more than we care to admit. Friend, there is GOOD NEWS for all of ...

Podcast Episode 10: Easy Ways to Share Christ with Your Kids and FREE Christmas Printables

Need some fun ideas to keep Christ in your family’s Christmas this year? Join Deb on this week’s Mentoring Monday for fun and easy ways to share Jesus with your kids this Christmas! You can listen to “Mentoring Monday: Easy ...

Podcast Episode 10- The Power of Your Prayers

Friend, your prayers move heaven and achieve unusual results! Whether you are a prayer warrior or just getting started in your prayer life, this podcast is for you! Join Deb and Jen as they unpack the power of prayer and ...

Podcast Episode 9- Encouragement for the Waiting

👉NEW Podcast!! “Encouragement for the Waiting”! 2020 has proven to be a year filled with uncertainty, stress, and lots of waiting. We moms are constantly in a state of waiting and worrying: – Oh no. My throat is scratchy… is ...

Podcast Episode 8- A Time to Arise and Follow God!

The time has come for the church to arise, each of us in our own part of the country, and follow hard after the Spirit and go where he leads. Our broken nation needs us to be the hands and ...

Podcast Episode 7- A Time to Be Brave!

2020 has proved to be an overwhelmingly stressful year with no end in sight! But amidst the anxiety and stress, God is calling His bride to stand tall and be brave right here- right now. On this week’s podcast, join ...

Why Mentoring Matters

Mom, do you feel like you can’t do it all? It’s okay (and so good) to ask for help! We moms need help and we need to be poured into by a mentor- someone who has walked the road of ...

Podcast Episode 5- What is Help Club for Moms?

So, what exactly is Help Club for Moms? And how can you be a part of the Club? We thought you’d never ask! Come listen today as we talk about how we got started, all our resources available to you ...

September Fasting Collective Episode 4- Courage

Hello Mamas! 🥰We are super excited to share the next Fasting Prompt Podcast episode with you: “September Fasting Collective Episode 4- “COURAGE.” Join Deb and Linda as they share powerful Scriptures and prayers all about how to be strong in ...

September Fasting Collective Episode 3-Joy

Hello Mamas! 🥰We are super excited to share the next Fasting Prompt Podcast episode with you: “September Fasting Collective Episode 3- JOY” Here’s a little idea for your fasting time this week: Listen to the Joy fasting podcast- we lead ...

September Fasting Collective Episode 2-Wisdom

Hello Mamas! 😎 We are super excited to share the next “September Fasting Collective” podcast episode with you! This week’s fasting prompt is all about WISDOM! It’s soooo good!🙌 All you do is pick a day this week to fast ...

September Fasting Collective Episode 1- Love

Hey Mamas! Be sure to Join the Help Club for Moms Fasting Collective!🙏 Where we miss one meal per week for 4 weeks and spend that time with God reading the Bible, praying, and worshipping, all through the month of ...

God Values People

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth ...

Enjoying Motherhood Day 5: Enjoying Motherhood

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Proverbs 31:25 Enjoying Motherhood Being a mom is incredible, but it can also be incredibly hard. I try to get the house picked up before I ...

“Mom, I Don’t Think I Believe In God Anymore” and Other Mommy Nightmares

“For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 “Mom, I Don’t Think I Believe In God Anymore” and Other Mommy ...